After the Villainess Awakens

Chapters List

Chapter 2: Thank you, Brother Xiao…

When Leng Mushi woke up again, she was in the swaying carriage. She was certain that Xiao Mian had struck her in anger, and quite forcefully at that. The first thing she did upon waking was to touch her neck.

Thankfully, her head was still attached.

However, the back of her neck ached. Groaning, Leng Mushi opened her eyes. Her half-sister, Leng Tianyin, sat beside her.

Leng Tianyin was hunched over, seemingly sewing something. Her slender fingers pinched a needle, meticulously threading it under the light filtering through the small carriage window.

Leng Tianyin had always been a cold fish. Despite being born of a concubine, she always carried an air of aloofness and arrogance in front of Leng Mushi.

Leng Mushi looked down on her, though she'd never admit that Leng Tianyin was prettier. She was tired of that perpetual funeral face. Yet at this moment, Leng Tianyin's expression was surprisingly gentle as she focused intently on her task. Her head was bowed, revealing a slender, delicate neck.

Leng Mushi sat up, propping herself up with an arm, and immediately recognized the object in Leng Tianyin's hand as Xiao Mian's waist sash.


No wonder.

Leng Mushi pushed open the small window and squinted outside. The sun was shining brightly, and the road was smooth. She didn't recognize the place, but she saw three young men in white robes riding ahead. She had been unconscious for a whole night and half a day! It must be noon the next day.

Her eyes locked onto the back of the young man with willow branches tied around his waist. Among the three, he had the straightest posture, even his legs were perfectly positioned in the stirrups as he rode.

In a way, this male protagonist, Xiao Mian, was just as dull and boring as her lifeless sister.

No wonder they were a perfect match. Like two emotionless trees colliding in the forest.

Scoffing silently, Leng Mushi rubbed her neck and grumbled, "You hit pretty hard. All because I pulled your precious sash…"

She closed the carriage window and turned to look at Leng Tianyin, who had finished sewing the sash. Leng Tianyin's expression relaxed slightly. She pursed her lips and peeked outside the carriage curtain.

The shy and bashful look on her face gave Leng Mushi goosebumps.

Disgusting lovebirds.

Just then, the carriage stopped. A voice came from outside. "There's a mountain stream ahead. Let's take a break here."

As the carriage came to a halt, Leng Tianyin stood up, clutching the sash. Suddenly, Leng Mushi felt a warmth from her storage bag and heard a voice only she could hear – "Next plot point: snatch the sash, give it to Xiao Mian, and say you sewed it."

Are you kidding me?!

How cruel!

Leng Mushi cursed internally, but her hand was quicker. She flung open the carriage curtain and jumped out, snatching the newly sewn sash from Leng Tianyin's hand.

By the time Leng Tianyin reacted, mouth agape, Leng Mushi had already run far away with the sash.

She ran straight towards Xiao Mian, who was walking uphill. As she ran, she muttered under her breath, "I don't remember this part in the book…"

The stone-like book rule in her storage bag didn't answer immediately. It waited until she intercepted Xiao Mian, panting and waving the sash in his face, before saying, "The plot dictates that you must do everything in your power to win Xiao Mian's favor."

Leng Mushi pouted. Fine, who made her the vicious female antagonist whose sole purpose was to further the love story of the main characters?

She held out the sash to Xiao Mian, forcing herself into character. Mimicking Leng Tianyin's shy demeanor, she said in a saccharine voice to the startled Xiao Mian who had taken a step back, "This is for you. I'm so sorry about last night. I was too rough when I got excited. I've personally sewn it back together for you. Please don't be angry with me, Brother Xiao."

Before Xiao Mian could respond, his two senior disciples, who were walking towards the mountain stream for water, burst into laughter upon hearing her words.

They had seen Xiao Mian carrying the unconscious Leng Mushi back last night with his sash torn. They already suspected something was going on, and Leng Mushi's words only fueled their suspicions.

Xiao Mian, not one for explanations, blushed to the tips of his ears. His usually composed expression crumbled, and he retorted in embarrassment, "Don't talk nonsense!"

His two senior disciples continued laughing as they walked away, leaving Xiao Mian even more flustered. His neck was now beet red as he glared at Leng Mushi as if she were a monster. He had removed the storage buckle, which was particularly important to him, from the sash and was now wearing it around his neck. He didn't immediately take the sash back but frowned and asked, "Why do you have my sash?"

He was truly a beauty, even when frowning.

Leng Mushi, standing on higher ground, met his gaze. The sunlight, filtered through the leaves, danced on his face, momentarily pulling him back from his otherworldly aura to the mortal realm, making him even more captivating.

Too bad his heart belonged to someone else.

Glancing at Leng Tianyin, who was hesitantly approaching them, Leng Mushi sighed internally. This is karma, isn't it?

She declared, "Of course, I have it. Who else would have it? Don't tell me you expect my sister to sew it for you? She never touches anything belonging to a man, let alone look at one directly. It would tarnish her reputation if she were to sew your sash."

Leng Mushi was telling the truth. Leng Tianyin had always been a model of womanly virtue, her reputation far exceeding that of Leng Mushi, who was known for her wild ways. No matter how charming or handsome a young master was, he couldn't even get a glance from Leng Tianyin.

If it weren't for this, after their mother died, their father wouldn't always scold Leng Mushi and compare her to Leng Tianyin.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Mian reached for the sash. He didn't want to speak another word to Leng Mushi. But just as he reached out, she suddenly flicked her wrist. Xiao Mian missed the sash and grabbed her hand instead.

Xiao Mian: "..."

"There, there." Leng Mushi pressed down on his hand, preventing him from pulling away. She deliberately looked at Leng Tianyin, who was now within earshot and looking quite uncomfortable, and said to Xiao Mian, "Brother Xiao, let's go fetch water together. I'm a little hungry. I wonder if there are any fruits in the forest… Will you find some for me?"

Leng Tianyin saw their hands clasped together. From her angle, she couldn't see the look of disgust on Xiao Mian's face. She couldn't possibly come forward and explain that she was the one who sewed the sash. So, clutching her water bag, she turned and walked back to the carriage.

The storage bag grew warm - plot point achieved.

Leng Mushi immediately let go of Xiao Mian. He had been pulling back with considerable force, and her sudden release caused him to stumble backward. He glared at her.

Leng Mushi raised her hands in mock surrender, offering an apologetic smile. Right in front of him, she folded the sash neatly. Xiao Mian watched in astonishment as his sash, which was usually tied firmly around his waist, was twisted and bent between her fingers, finally transforming into a small, square cloth.

With utmost respect, she presented the folded sash to him. "Don't be angry, Immortal Xiao. Please put it on."

Xiao Mian eyed her warily. He had already witnessed her ability to change her demeanor at the drop of a hat. He couldn't help but scan her again with his divine sense, confirming there was no demonic aura, before taking the sash with pursed lips.

This time, Leng Mushi didn't play any tricks. When it wasn't about the plot, she had zero interest in meddling in the main characters' relationship. She'd rather use the time to figure out what to do with her own life.

Xiao Mian didn't really want the sash anymore. He didn't know why, but the image of it being folded between Leng Mushi's fingers wouldn't leave his mind. After tying it back on, he felt an inexplicable heat around his waist.

Irritated, he leaped onto the path without another word and headed up the mountain.

Leng Mushi turned back to the carriage, grabbed her water bag, and prepared to fetch water from the stream.

"You…" Leng Tianyin stopped her.

"Don't use the way you act with your… fox friends and dog companions to provoke Immortal Xiao. He has shown us kindness. When we get to Tai Chu Sect, he might become our senior brother. How could you…"

"What about me?" Leng Mushi had no intention of talking to Leng Tianyin, but the words "fox friends and dog companions" stung her. "Fox friends and dog companions? Why don't you try finding some who would risk their lives to hide you after your family's extermination!"

"Father is dead. Are you taking over his role now?" Leng Mushi took a deep breath and retorted, "Don't even think about controlling me. Even Father couldn't do it, so what makes you think you can?!"

"Is it because your mother forced my mother to death? Or because Father always used you as an example to lecture me?!" Leng Mushi didn't want to make a scene, but she was truly fed up with Leng Tianyin's holier-than-thou attitude. Seeing Leng Tianyin's pale face, she scoffed, grabbed her water bag, and ran away.

She ran to the mountain stream, drank deeply, and filled her bag. Only after holding the cool water against her chest did she feel the frustration in her heart subside. She sat down by the stream, hugged her knees, and finally allowed herself a moment of vulnerability.

Her family was gone. They had been massacred by demons two months ago. But Leng Mushi felt no grief. Her heart had already turned to stone when her father brought home his pregnant concubine, a woman who had given birth to a child only a year younger than Leng Mushi, and who had driven her gentle mother to her death.

But her fate was even more tragic than her mother's. On the day her entire clan was wiped out, she had narrowly escaped, only to discover that she was living in a book, as the villainous supporting character.

For two long months, she had been verifying the plot with the help of the so-called book rule, a stone in her storage bag. Finally, she had to accept her fate. She was born to be the miserable foil to her half-sister, Leng Tianyin.



But thinking back, her life as the legitimate daughter had always been overshadowed by Leng Tianyin. Even her kind and gentle mother had died of depression because of Leng Tianyin's mother. Her father was heartless, his eyes only seeing his concubine's daughter. Even the "fox friends and dog companions" she had befriended over the years had taken them in because they liked Leng Tianyin - was there any justice in this world?!

Leng Mushi kicked a pebble in frustration. She sniffled, and suddenly, a fruit appeared before her eyes.

She looked up. Against the sunlight, her vision blurred. She rubbed her eyes and saw Xiao Mian. His expression was serious as he held out a bright red fruit. "For you."

Don't cry.

He didn't say the last part out loud. He just happened to see her crying silently, happened to find edible fruit, and happened to remember that she had just lost her family. That's all.

Leng Mushi instinctively touched her storage bag. The stone inside remained cold. This wasn't part of the plot. Confused, she asked, "What are you doing?"

Since she was sitting and he was standing, she had to look up at him with her tear-filled eyes. She hadn't even realized she was crying. She never cried. Not even after her mother's death, nor when her father had punished her. She was just… just a little, a tiny bit, resentful of the unfairness of it all.

But then, the storage bag grew warm. Leng Mushi's hand reacted faster than her brain. She grabbed the fruit, along with Xiao Mian's hand.

Her fingers even brushed against the back of his hand as she said in a soft, tearful voice, "Thank you, Brother Xiao…"

Not again!

Xiao Mian's neck tensed. He pulled his hand back and ran.

After he left, Leng Mushi looked around. Leng Tianyin was nowhere to be seen.

The stone grew warm. Leng Mushi touched her storage bag, poked the stone inside, and mumbled in confusion, "Are you broken? My sister isn't even here. There's no plot to advance…"

The stone remained silent, now resembling an ordinary rock. Leng Mushi took it out, looked at it, and tossed it back in. The brief interruption had chased away her sadness.

She picked up the fruit, took a bite, and her eyes widened in surprise. It looked plain, but it was incredibly sweet!

Leng Mushi hadn't eaten since last night. This tiny fruit couldn't even fill the gap between her teeth, but it successfully awakened her stomach.

Hunger left no time for melancholy or fear of the future. She had limited options anyway. One step at a time… First, food!

She picked up her water bag and headed back to the carriage, planning to eat her dry rations with water. But before she reached the carriage, she saw Leng Tianyin and Xiao Mian talking under a nearby tree.

Tsk, tsk.

So, she's explaining the sash incident.

That's how the plot worked. No matter how much misunderstanding the vicious female antagonist created, the main characters would always clear it up quickly, their relationship deepening as a result.

The rule said that once all the plot points were completed, she would be free to find her own path.

Leng Mushi also wanted to join a cultivation sect. Even though, according to the plot, her spiritual roots were too impure for the Tai Chu Sect to accept her.

She didn't seek immortality. Even being an outer disciple would suffice. She just wanted to stay away from that lovey-dovey duo, escape Leng Tianyin's shadow, and live a peaceful life.

Scowling, she walked towards the carriage. Xiao Mian glanced at her and frowned instinctively. Leng Mushi, about to look away, suddenly puffed up her cheeks and made an ugly face at him.

Xiao Mian: "..." He was actually startled!

It wasn't that he was scared of the face itself, but he didn't expect such unladylike behavior…

"Immortal Xiao?" Leng Tianyin continued when he didn't respond, "My sister didn't mean to offend you. She's just… very lively. Please don't take it to heart."

Xiao Mian: "..." If that was her being unintentional, he shuddered to think what she would do intentionally.

For the first time in his life, he was at a loss for words. He glanced at the carriage. Leng Mushi was already sitting there, munching on a flatbread.

He nodded. "It's alright. Miss Leng, you should eat something too. We'll continue our journey soon. We'll be traveling until late tonight before reaching the next town."

Leng Tianyin nodded. Xiao Mian took out a handkerchief from his robe. Unfolding it, he revealed five or six of the same small fruits he had given Leng Mushi earlier.

"I found these in the mountains. They're edible. Have some." He handed the handkerchief to Leng Tianyin. She pursed her lips and thanked him, reaching out to take it. But before she could, Leng Mushi, seemingly appearing out of thin air, snatched the entire handkerchief.

"Brother Xiao, you're the best! My sister doesn't like these fruits. I tried one earlier, and it was so sour. I'll eat them!" Leng Mushi picked up a fruit, took a bite, and pretended it was extremely sour.

Xiao Mian's lips twitched... He hadn't tried one either.

But he didn't say anything. He glanced at the stunned Leng Tianyin and walked back to his senior brothers.

As Leng Mushi munched on the fruit, she walked towards the carriage and muttered under her breath, "This plot is so tedious. Hey, rule, are you sure it's okay to make me do these annoying things? What if the main characters get fed up with me, join forces, and abandon me on the road? Won't all my efforts be wasted…"

"Don't worry, even the most hated villains have a role to play until the very end. Be prepared, tonight in the town, you'll encounter evil spirits."

"Prepare… for what?" Leng Mushi had a bad feeling about this.

As expected, the rule declared, "Prepare to kill the female protagonist."

Leng Mushi: "..." The sweet fruit suddenly turned sour in her mouth.

She might find Leng Tianyin annoying, but it was far from hatred. She would never…

As if reading her mind, the rule added, "Don't worry, the female protagonist can't be killed."

Leng Mushi was immediately relieved. Based on the plot she had verified, Leng Tianyin was practically invincible, with heaven on her side.

Good. Leng Mushi thought, I just need to finish the plot and break free from this predetermined fate.

As the group resumed their journey, Leng Mushi finished the last fruit. Leng Tianyin suddenly spoke, "You…"

"Whatever you want to say, don't," Leng Mushi sat up and threw the fruit pit out the window. She said calmly, "Once we reach Tai Chu Sect, we'll definitely be separated. Our family is gone, and we never had a real sisterly bond. Let's just consider this the end."

"What are you saying?!" Leng Tianyin was actually anxious. She reached out to grab Leng Mushi, who dodged her hand.

"But we're all that's left. We're blood relatives. How can we just end things like this?"

"Why not?" Leng Mushi looked at her, thinking, Once we reach Tai Chu Sect, you'll be the esteemed disciple, and I'll be the untalented outer disciple. We won't be together anyway. I'd be better off without you. Otherwise, I'll just continue to be the foil to your brilliance.

"Just give me a break, will you?" Leng Mushi clasped her hands together and bowed slightly to Leng Tianyin. "Aren't you known for rescuing small animals? The little merciful goddess? Have some pity on me, will you?"


Now you call me sister? Too late!

Seeing that reasoning with Leng Tianyin was futile, Leng Mushi turned her back to her, lay down on the carriage, pulled her skirt over her head, and refused to communicate further.

She lay there, lost in thought. The rhythmic swaying of the carriage eventually lulled her to sleep.

When she woke up again, it was past midnight. They had already entered a town, but the streets were mostly deserted, illuminated only by the flickering light of sparse lanterns swaying in the night wind. At this hour, most inns and restaurants were closed.

They walked for two blocks before finally finding an inn that was still open. Exhausted from the journey, Leng Mushi rubbed her sleepy eyes and peeked out the curtain. The inn's main hall was brightly lit, with a few tables still occupied by customers eating and chatting.

Leng Tianyin leaned against the carriage, looking weary. Only the three immortals seemed unaffected by the journey. They could have flown to their destination in a day, but because of Leng Mushi and Leng Tianyin's mortal bodies, they had to travel by carriage.

They handed the horses over to the two waiters who came out to greet them and entered the inn.

The innkeeper, a man with shifty, triangular eyes, greeted them with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Leng Mushi, having slept throughout the journey, was now wide awake. While Xiao Mian's senior brother discussed the room arrangements with the innkeeper, she yawned and studied the man. His eyebrows were uneven, one plastered above his eye, the other almost disappearing into his hairline. Clearly, he had drawn them on in a hurry.

The innkeeper spoke, his voice raspy and halting, "Guests, only… two… upper rooms… left."

Here we go, time for more plot.


Author's note:

Leng Mushi: I'm off duty when there's no plot to advance. Thanks for understanding.


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