After the Villainess Awakens

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Chapter 72: She Understood

Tianmo couldn't tell if he was happy or something else, but when he looked up and met Leng Mushi's still disgusted eyes, he felt unwilling.

"You are not willing, you still hate me." He was pulled up by Leng Mushi by the back of his neck, stumbling as she dragged him along. He would frantically accuse Leng Mushi of refusing to accept him, and then he would cackle, "Then you should never think of separating from me, I am you, and you are me!"

Leng Mushi ignored him, braving the heavy rain and dragging him like a dead dog.

"Yansu, return to the Yellow Springs, send me down to the Netherworld Purgatory."

Yansu was lying on the ground, so frightened that his soul almost flew away, "That… that can't be!"

"Tianjun, is there really no other way?"

Leng Mushi pursed her lips and glanced at the dark, rainy curtain again, letting the rain hit her eyes.

"Tianjun, if you seal yourself in the Netherworld Purgatory, the life force of the human world will be cut off, and the heavenly ladder of the Heavenly Realm will also be broken. At that time, even with the three thousand gods of the Heavenly Realm, no one will be able to help the living beings here!"

Leng Mushi actually smiled at Yansu, without the slightest appearance of a Tianjun. She was drenched by the heavy rain, and at this moment, she was full of human touch.

She reached out and brushed the hair from her face. "Then your Yellow Springs will be lively, only death, no life, you will become the most powerful king of the ghost realm."

Yansu felt that she was talking about a very serious topic, but this Tianjun was joking with him. Although Tianjun's self-sealing would not immediately destroy the world, once the life force here was cut off from the Heavenly Realm, it would really become a pool of stagnant water.

What would be the point of him being a ghost king with only a ghost realm?

However, Leng Mushi dragged Tianmo, who had gone mad, down to the Netherworld Purgatory. Yansu couldn't persuade her and couldn't think of any other way to stop this catastrophe.

If Tianmo was allowed to grow stronger, the human world would soon be destroyed, but if Tianjun sealed herself, at least for the next tens of thousands of years, the life force of the human world would only disappear little by little.

Perhaps this was really the last resort.

Yansu led his subordinate ghost officials, standing on the Purgatory Platform, looking at the Tianjun and Tianmo beside the Netherworld Purgatory below, and sighed faintly.

Leng Mushi dug out her own inner alchemy without changing her face. The inner alchemy was surrounded by infinite vitality, crystal clear, and the five colors inside flowed like clouds.

She turned her head and said to Tianmo, whose face was gloomy and had stopped talking, "Didn't you want to seal yourself? Jump down, don't tell me you're starting to covet the human world?"

Tianmo looked down at the blood-stained inner alchemy in Leng Mushi's hand and didn't speak, but only asked, "I am you, but why do you hate me so much."

Leng Mushi lowered her head and looked at the radiant inner alchemy in her hand. After a moment of silence, tears suddenly flowed down.

She looked at Tianmo with tears streaming down her face, and said, "Xiao Ge, why don't you love me anymore."

Leng Mushi said, "You don't love me anymore, why am I still alive, I'm going to jump from here now!"

As she spoke, she actually stood on a half-human-high bulge and made a gesture to jump.

Tianmo was about to mock her when he was startled to find that his body was out of control again. He reached out and grabbed Leng Mushi, who was about to jump down, and hugged her tightly in his arms, then he said dumbly, "Come down, I love you…"

Leng Mushi was pulled down from the high place by Xiao Mian's tight hug, and slowly, she subtly raised the corners of her lips.

But when she turned her head again, her face was still full of sadness, even with unbelievable surprise.

"Ge, you're still…"

"I'm here." Xiao Mian hugged Leng Mushi tightly, his mind full of Tianmo's screams and bewitching, but this time, he didn't listen to a word, and was feeling the place where the demonic energy was the strongest.

So when he let go of Leng Mushi, he had already torn open his chest with his bare hands, grabbed the beating scarlet heart and pulled it out, and handed it to Leng Mushi with trembling hands.

"The most, uh… the most intense demonic energy." Xiao Mian couldn't stand, and knelt directly in front of Leng Mushi.

He used Leng Mushi's body to support himself from falling to the ground, his hands still holding his heart up, and handed it to Leng Mushi.

The beating heart fell into Leng Mushi's hands, and the blood immediately dissipated, turning into a black pill exuding demonic energy, which was the Tianmo Pill.

Yansu and the ghost officials who were watching all this on the Purgatory Platform immediately cheered, "Congratulations to Tianjun for obtaining the Demon Pill!"

With the Demon Pill, there was no need to seal herself anymore, only to seal Tianmo.

Leng Mushi didn't pay attention to what they were shouting, but reached out and wiped away a trace of blood from Xiao Mian's face.

Then she used the hand that wiped away the bloodstain on Xiao Mian's face to wipe away the tears on her face, and then her smile slowly widened. After a while, she spoke in a very soft voice, in the same tone as when she praised all beings that day, "You did a good job."

Xiao Mian grabbed Leng Mushi's robe with both hands, his vision was already blurred, he had lost his demonic energy, and his consciousness was completely imprisoned by a few strands of soul silk, but he still raised his head to look at Leng Mushi with difficulty.

His eyes were filled with blood at the moment, but it was not because of demonic energy, but because of the extreme pain, the pain of digging out his heart with his own hands. Leng Mushi felt the same way through the soul silk that connected him.

Tears slid down the corners of his eyes, but his eyes were full of tenderness, and the infatuation that Leng Mushi still didn't understand after watching him die four times.

What is love? After so many times, she actually never understood.

Back then, when her mind was possessed by demons, it was not because of the death of her relatives and loved ones as Tianmo said, but because she had transformed into a human, but she still couldn't understand human emotions, so she became possessed by demons because of anger.

But looking at Xiao Mian's weak appearance, his dying eyelashes that trembled like butterfly wings, and his sacrificial actions, an unspeakable feeling arose in her heart that she had never had before.

Xiao Mian's lips trembled, as if he wanted to explain something to her, Leng Mushi put a finger on his lips, nodded and said, "No need to explain, I know, the first time you woke up in the Demon Palace, it wasn't because you resented me and hated me, and refused to dig out the pill, but because you couldn't find the place with the strongest demonic energy at that time, and your body was still under Tianmo's control, I know."

Leng Mushi lowered her head and stroked his eyes with her hand, "Your eyes already told me at that time, I won't misunderstand you."

Xiao Mian smiled, then opened his mouth again, and slowly said something word by word, but there was no sound. He was too weak to make a sound, but Leng Mushi heard it all, or rather, she understood.

Leng Mushi's expression was slightly startled, then twisted extremely quickly before returning to normal.

Xiao Mian smiled at her one last time, relaxed his hands in relief, and fell to the ground.

Consciousness dissipated, the soul silk that bound him returned to Leng Mushi's body, she looked down at him, never bending down to help him, just like treating a hardworking ant, watching him live and die for her.

Xiao Mian's consciousness dissipated, and Tianmo regained his senses, but without the Demon Pill, he was as fragile as he was seventeen thousand years ago, rolling on the ground in pain. He grabbed the hem of Leng Mushi's robe, bit his lip, and laughed with blood in his teeth, "As expected of you… you planned everything…"

"You planned it." He stared at Leng Mushi, and after a while, he gave up struggling and said, "You want to seal me up again, I don't want to live in the Netherworld Purgatory, send me back to the Blood Demon Mountain, please…"

Leng Mushi laughed. Her hair was wet, and her smile was like a pure girl, but how could she be a pure girl? She was born as the Way of Heaven, in charge of life and death in the world. She said from the very beginning: "I am not a good person."

"No, you can't go back to Blood Demon Mountain this time."

"You…" Tianmo pressed his heart, and suddenly laughed wildly again, "Why are you so heartless, you will never know what love is like this!"

"Xiao Mian has never wavered, never, but you still want him to see all his fellow disciples die tragically, and use the righteousness of the world to restrain him, aren't you afraid? Hahahahaha - you are afraid that he will not die for you at all!"

"What's wrong, you said you are me, but you don't understand me? Why should I gamble on love?"

Leng Mushi said, "Love is inherently unreliable. If he doesn't see all his fellow disciples die tragically, how can his mind be strong? If you don't let yourself think that you have succeeded, and don't extract your demonic energy to make you as weak as you are now, how can you relax your vigilance and let him know the location of the Demon Pill? How can I get the Demon Pill that you willingly offered?"

"Everything is going according to plan, there is nothing wrong with it, just like the vitality and order of this world are all from my hands, you actually think that you can force me to seal myself by coexisting with me?"

Leng Mushi raised her foot and kicked away his hand that was clutching her robe. "You are just the part of me that I don't want. You were born with wisdom, but you are just an accessory to me. You delusional to control the master?"

Leng Mushi sighed and said, "For tens of thousands of years, you still haven't learned how to survive. If you really want to live, you should hide from me. You can only exist if I hate you and abandon you. You have to provoke me, and there will be no good end to provoking me."

Tianmo was already so weak that he was breathing more and breathing less. Leng Mushi held a black and a white pill in her hand, and the last look in her eyes was no longer full of disgust, but another very strange emotion.

It was an emotion she had never had before. She closed her eyes and remembered the silent words Xiao Mian said.

Finally, at the moment when Tianmo's consciousness was about to disappear completely, Leng Mushi squatted down, reached out and touched Tianmo's dying cold eyebrows, but she was not looking at him, but at another person through him.

Then Tianmo saw Leng Mushi raise the two pills in her hand, looked at them, and then, as if on the border of the human race, suddenly crushed them all.

Before Tianmo could be astonished, he was completely engulfed by darkness.

Yansu was on the Purgatory Platform. After seeing Leng Mushi's movements, he opened his mouth, then smiled wryly.

Suddenly, the five-colored light burst out from the Netherworld Purgatory between heaven and earth, so dazzling that the entire world fell into a blank.

In the next instant, Yansu watched the ghost officials around him still with astonishment on their faces before turning into smoke and dust and merging into the five colors.

Yansu sighed and sat on the Purgatory Platform, watching everything around Tianjun begin to rewind, dissipate, and merge into the five-colored smoke and dust.

The spine of the earth slowly cracked open, and the time beast that had been circling the reincarnation disk for years was grabbed by a pair of invisible big hands and dragged back -

The rain in the human world above the Yellow Springs stopped abruptly, and the next moment the rain began to flow back towards the sky.

The cold and heat of the human world reversed, the tall children became shorter again, and in this five-colored light covering the sky, everything that had happened turned into smoke and dust and scattered throughout the world.

Leng Mushi sat cross-legged beside the Netherworld Hell, the spiritual light on her body reappeared, her long hair fluttered automatically, her appearance completely changed, the spiritual light around her became more and more intense, from a teenage girl, she finally turned into a small child.

She stood up, raised her hand to catch the last beam of light pouring into her body, the beam of light wrapped around her fingertips affectionately, and then disappeared completely.

When the five-colored light completely poured into her body from all directions, Tianmo's body, which was lying beside her, also turned into a wisp of black mist and merged into her body.

The world suddenly darkened--


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