After the Villainess Awakens

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Chapter 5: Nianci, My Dear

Leng Mushi's taste in books was quite diverse. Sometimes, bookstores offered deals like "buy ten, get one free," and the free book's content could be a mixed bag. From "Ten Taboos during a Cow's Estrus" to "Essential Steps for Childbirth," even male-male love stories were included.

She was well-read and open-minded, but her words sent a chill down the spines of all living creatures present.

Especially the two male cultivators, who wondered if their ears were playing tricks on them.

With the ice broken, Leng Mushi's thoughts flowed smoothly: "Yes!"

Leng Mushi continued, "They are martial brothers and also deeply in love. Beautiful sister, think about it, how can a prestigious sect like Tai Chu tolerate such a relationship that defies worldly norms?"

"They don't dare let anyone know and can only secretly care for each other. They try to go on missions together, even maintaining similar cultivation levels, unwilling to advance further, just to have the same lifespan..."

Everyone was stunned, including the Great Demon, rendered speechless by this shocking love story.

Even the identical Tai Chu sect uniforms were twisted by Leng Mushi into lover's attire. The two senior brothers involved began exchanging glances, wondering if the other harbored secret feelings!

Leng Mushi spoke with such passion and eloquence that she became parched. The Great Demon, deeply moved, asked, "If their secret is so well-kept, how did you find out?"

Leng Mushi choked for a moment before quickly recovering, "Actually, one night, I bumped into them..."

She winked at the Great Demon, "You know what I mean."

The two senior brothers: We don't!

"Well... alright," the Great Demon sighed with sympathy, "Since they love each other so much and their situation is already difficult, I'll let them go."

"But you can't leave," the Great Demon declared, "You have to stay here."

Hearing this, Leng Mushi felt a wave of relief. She wasn't one for self-sacrifice, but she couldn't bear to live at the expense of others, nor gamble with their lives. She couldn't afford that burden.

There would be countless similar situations in the future, and she was afraid.

Afraid that she would make a mistake and cost someone their life. That guilt would haunt her forever.

Living in such fear, becoming a laughingstock and object of disgust... it was better to gamble with her own life.

She let out a breath, a hint of a smile appearing on her face as she readily agreed, "Okay."

She accepted her fate, but the others didn't. While she was buying time with her nonsense, they weren't just standing there dumbfounded. They were communicating silently, using various methods to discuss their next move.

In unison, the three cultivators formed the Demon Slaying Formation. Seizing the moment when the Skin-Painting Demon was distracted, they charged forward, trapping the demon within the formation.

Meanwhile, Leng Tianyin, her seemingly timid and rule-abiding younger sister, surprisingly drew her sword, letting out a shout for courage, and stabbed at the crimson fleshy wall.

She actually found their weakness. This Skin-Painting Demon had no bones. As long as they pierced through its flesh, they could escape.

However, Leng Mushi didn't reveal this information. It wasn't because she feared punishment from the laws of the story. It was because it wouldn't have mattered. This Skin-Painting Demon was not something they could defeat.

As expected, just as Leng Tianyin's sword pierced the flesh, the three cultivators were violently thrown to the ground. One of the senior brothers coughed up blood and fainted.

This was the true power of the Great Demon.

Terrified that the enraged demon might go back on its word, Leng Mushi scrambled to her feet and stood protectively in front of the three fallen cultivators. Leng Tianyin had managed to cut a hole large enough for a person to pass through. Escape was within reach, but hope was fading.

"Let them go!" Leng Mushi pleaded with the Skin-Painting Demon, "You promised!"

"Don't you want to leave?" the Skin-Painting Demon asked, "Do you not want to live?"

Nonsense, of course, she wanted to live! This was all a desperate act!

At least if they escaped, and she could buy some more time, maybe reinforcements would arrive. She was a crucial supporting character, after all.

Without her meddling later on, how would the misunderstandings and heart-wrenching drama between the male and female leads unfold?

She was betting that the story wouldn't let her truly die.

Of course, she couldn't tell this to the Great Demon. So, Leng Mushi remained silent, only staring at the demon and repeating, "You promised to let them go."

"Sister!" Leng Tianyin, having cut open a passage, called out to Leng Mushi first.

At that moment, the Skin-Painting Demon realized it had been tricked. With a wave of its hand, it flung the three struggling cultivators, along with Leng Tianyin who stood by the opening, out of the fleshy prison.

In an instant, the flesh closed up, and the entire space fell silent. Without the illuminating swords, darkness descended.

Leng Mushi's tense body and mind finally relaxed. She slowly sank to her knees, her arms supporting her as she gasped for breath.

The sacrifice was too great, Leng Mushi thought with a bitter chuckle, shaking her head.

Leng Mushi had always disliked her mother's kind and gentle nature, a kindness that bordered on weakness and made her easy to manipulate. At times, she even resented her mother's fragility. If not for that, her father wouldn't have dared to treat her so poorly, and she wouldn't have met such a tragic end at such a young age.

She vowed never to be as foolish as her mother. Even if it meant being disliked, she would never allow herself to be bullied.

But kneeling on the ground, Leng Mushi had to admit that her mother's influence was inseparable from who she was.

Her mother's gentle teachings had seeped into her very being over the years, shaping her growth. No matter how desperately Leng Mushi tried to rebel, she couldn't escape the inherent compassion ingrained in her bones.

She raised her hand to touch her bruised cheek, wincing as she pulled it back. Gritting her teeth, she thought, they better hurry up and find help after they get out! If she died here today, whether she became a vengeful ghost or a puppet of the Skin-Painting Demon, she would make them pay!

The Skin-Painting Demon emerged from the pool of blood, carrying a blood-soaked lantern crafted from the skin of its victims. It slowly approached Leng Mushi.

"Do you regret it? I know you lied to me," the Skin-Painting Demon stood before Leng Mushi, placing the lantern by her feet. It bent down, a playful smile on its face, "Those two men weren't lovers at all. Their bodies didn't carry each other's scent."

Instead of responding, Leng Mushi looked up at the demon and said casually, "You're a Great Demon, capable of controlling everything with illusions. Can you change this environment? It's disgusting."

The truth was, the blood reeked and burned her skin. There was nowhere to lie down, and all she wanted to do was lie down. She couldn't muster any more strength.

The Skin-Painting Demon tilted its head, looking at Leng Mushi with curiosity. "Aren't you afraid of me? Or are you not afraid of death?"

Leng Mushi's main goal was to buy time. She smiled at the demon, "You're so beautiful, of course, I'm not afraid."

She was telling the truth. The Skin-Painting Demon was indeed beautiful. Now that it had taken on a human form, its features, especially its eyes, reminded Leng Mushi of her mother - gentle and charming.

She wondered if this human skin belonged to the demon itself.

No woman disliked compliments, especially when they were sincere.

The Skin-Painting Demon giggled, its crimson nail tracing its cheek. "You have such a way with words, just like my beloved..."

As it trailed off, its voice suddenly turned sharp, "But now I loathe such people! You must die!"

Leng Mushi: This sister is quite moody.

Leng Mushi didn't even bother running. If the Skin-Painting Demon truly wanted her dead, there was no escape.

As the demon raised its hand, Leng Mushi closed her eyes. She felt a surge of resentment but also helplessness. She whispered, "At least leave my body intact..."

She couldn't bear the thought of her mother seeing her broken body in the afterlife and grieving for her.

However, moments later, she didn't feel the anticipated pain of death. Instead, the scenery around her rapidly shifted. The demon was truly skilled in illusions. In the blink of an eye, they were standing on a grassy hillside.

The sun was shining brightly, and soft grass cushioned her body. Leng Mushi could even smell the scent of wormwood seeds, a fragrance unique to autumn. A cool breeze caressed her face, easing the burning pain of her wounds.

Whether it was real or an illusion, she took a deep breath and slowly lay down on the ground.

The Skin-Painting Demon stood beside her, dressed in a long apricot-yellow dress. The mountain breeze ruffled the fabric, carrying a sweet fragrance. It shielded its eyes from the sun with its hand, a harmless smile gracing its lips.

Leng Mushi couldn't help but think that if someone saw them now, they would surely mistake her for the evil one.

"You're quite relaxed. Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?" the Skin-Painting Demon looked down at her, "It's been years since I've met someone as interesting as you."

Its tone was laced with melancholy, "I know you lied to me, but I still let them go. I can choose not to kill you, but will you stay and chat with me?"

Leng Mushi, who had been lying there like a salted fish, suddenly sat up, grabbing the demon's hand.

"Chat! What do you want to talk about? From ancient times to the present, from the celestial heavens to the smallest ant, what interests you?" Leng Mushi's face was disfigured, but her eyes sparkled with life.

"Pfft!" The Skin-Painting Demon sat down beside Leng Mushi, "You're so amusing, just like him."

"Like... who?" Leng Mushi asked.

"My heartless lover," the Skin-Painting Demon replied, "What's your name?"

Leng Mushi smiled faintly, "My name is Nianci. It's the pet name my mother gave me."

"Your mother must have hoped you'd be kind and compassionate, and you haven't disappointed her. Sacrificing yourself for others," the Skin-Painting Demon mused, "My name is Fenlian."

Leng Mushi didn't like being praised for her kindness. Thinking of her mother brought a pang of sadness to her heart. She refuted internally, I'm not kind, I was just desperate, hoping they'd get out and bring help.

But then, she sighed and looked at the demon, "Fenlian?"

The Skin-Painting Demon blushed slightly, "It doesn't sound like a good girl's name, does it? I used to be a courtesan."

It looked at Leng Mushi, its eyes filled with a strange tenderness, but its red fingernails began to grow longer as it spoke, "Do you look down on women of the night?"

Leng Mushi: ...

She quickly pressed down on Fenlian's growing nails, shaking her head vigorously, "Of course not! Most women in that profession are forced into it and are incredibly talented. They're just selling their art, how could I look down on them?"

Leng Mushi truly held no prejudice. She used to roam around with friends, disguised as a man, and frequented brothels. In her eyes, courtesans were just women trapped by circumstances and unable to escape their fate because of their contracts.

Back when she was wealthy and influential, she would help them whenever she could and forbade her friends from disrespecting them. But she couldn't save everyone, nor could she save all the unfortunate women in the world.

Fenlian stared at Leng Mushi for a long moment, searching for any hint of disdain in her eyes. Finding none, its elongated nails retracted. It then began to pour out its heart to Leng Mushi, revealing how it became what it was today.

Just like in those storybooks, every demon had its own sorrow, its own tragic past.

This Skin-Painting Demon, Fenlian, was no exception. She was once a famous courtesan, sought after by countless wealthy and powerful men. If she hadn't been deceived by a man, she could have saved enough money in her youth to live a comfortable life in her old age.

But she, like all foolish women in the world, fell in love with a charming man who dabbled in minor immortal arts, a "cultivator."

"You said he promised to take you as his concubine, but then he went back on his word and even forced you to drink the Bone-Melting and Flesh-Eroding Poison, which led to your current state?"

Leng Mushi had initially listened with the intention of humoring the demon, but as the story unfolded, she couldn't help but feel anger well up inside her. "He's truly a heartless beast!"

Her anger was palpable. Her own father was a scumbag who had lied to her mother and broken her heart. He had promised her mother the world before their marriage, yet he continued to bring concubine after concubine into their home. Leng Mushi hated such men with a passion.

Seeing her so agitated, Fenlian couldn't help but sob.

At that moment, she didn't resemble a terrifying demon at all. Instead, she looked like a helpless and vulnerable woman. She wiped her tears and cried, "It was so painful! Do you know what it feels like to have your insides slowly dissolving into blood? I was so unwilling, so full of hate!"

Leng Mushi didn't know what it felt like to have her organs liquefy, but she knew the agony of her skin corroding. However, compared to Fenlian's suffering, hers paled in comparison. She reached out and patted the demon's shoulder consolingly.

Fenlian leaned against Leng Mushi, her voice a soft whisper against her ear, "But you don't have to be angry for me. I searched for him for so long, and I finally found him. I got my revenge!"

Leng Mushi remained silent, her mind flashing back to the Skin-Painting Demon's puppets. They were undoubtedly the people Fenlian had killed... Alas, as pitiful as it was, humans and demons were on different paths.

"But before I found him, he had already received his just deserts," Fenlian continued, her voice devoid of emotion. "Hundreds of his enemies stormed his home and slaughtered everyone inside. When I arrived, they were torturing him, trying to force him to reveal the location of some hidden treasure."

"He refused to speak, even as they tortured him to the brink of death. I couldn't let him die like that. He had to die by my hand."

Fenlian's voice was cold as ice as she spoke, "I devoured those attackers and then I killed him."

Her tears transformed into bloody trails, "But I also became like this. I can never be human again. I..."

"Did you... kill anyone else besides those attackers and that man?" Leng Mushi asked cautiously.

Fenlian's tears froze on her cheeks. She stared at Leng Mushi, momentarily stunned before replying, "After consuming those people, I was muddled for a while. When I regained my senses, I encountered you. I saw the three cultivators... Hmph, cultivators are all hypocrites, not a single good one among them! I conjured that inn to lure you in, and you fell for it, hahaha!"

Observing Fenlian's erratic swings between laughter and tears, Leng Mushi suddenly remarked, "Don't you think... you're better off this way?"

"What?" Fenlian looked at her, puzzled.

Leng Mushi elaborated, "Those you devoured were murderers, and the one you killed was your enemy. Even the cultivation world wouldn't interfere in such matters of revenge. As long as you don't harm anyone else, no one has any reason to hunt you down. And you're so powerful now... Why can't you see the bright side?"

"I..." Fenlian stammered, struggling to grasp Leng Mushi's meaning.

Leng Mushi gripped her arm, her tone firm as she broke it down for her, "Look, you're a Great Demon now. You've avenged yourself. Why cling to the past? Why not look forward to a brighter future?"

"That scumbag got what he deserved! But he's not the only man in the world, and not all men are like him. You can find someone better, can't you?"

Fenlian's eyes widened, a flicker of hope igniting within them. Leng Mushi pressed on, "Besides, think about it. You're so powerful now. If one man doesn't work out, you can find another. You demons have long lifespans. There's no madam to control you anymore. As long as you're careful and don't do evil, you're free to roam the world! Who knows, maybe one day you'll even ascend to a higher realm! It's not like there haven't been cases of demons ascending before..."

Seeing Fenlian's expression shift, her desperation slowly giving way to a glimmer of possibility, Leng Mushi continued her pep talk, driven by her own desire to survive.

"You've already experienced being a courtesan, how hard can it be to find a man?"

Fenlian's eyes widened, her jaw dropping as she stared at Leng Mushi. Then, a wide smile spread across her face, her eyes shining with the same mischievous glint as Leng Mushi's.

"You're right! You're absolutely right! You find me one!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Leng Mushi in a tight embrace.

Leng Mushi: ... Huh?!


Author's Note:

Leng Mushi: ... Maybe she should find her own man. If I could find a good one, I'd keep him for myself.


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