After the Villainess Awakens

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Chapter 27: Leng Nianci!

"Ahhhh!" Leng Mushi turned her head away from Xiao Mian, squatting on the ground and hugging her head.

Her mind was as chaotic as boiling oil.

"What to do? What to do? What to do?!"

Xiao Mian squatted down opposite Leng Mushi and reached out to touch her fingertips. Leng Mushi suddenly withdrew her fingers and pressed them under her arm, her mind racing as she thought of a countermeasure.

What was wrong with this Xiao Mian? He looked so serious, how could he be so good at flirting?!

Leng Mushi curled herself into a ball, a posture to protect her vitals. She didn't have the slightest bit of shyness like Xiao Mian thought, but was "protecting herself."

She never thought things would turn out like this, that Xiao Mian would like her, and be so aggressive.

She had never regarded Xiao Mian as a man. To her, he was a medicine tester, someone who could help her escape her fate, someone else's possession. She had never thought about having anything to do with Xiao Mian.

She had seen the breakdown of her mother and father's relationship. She was not the kind of woman like her mother who lived for love, and she had no longing for love in her heart.

She just felt that Xiao Mian was convenient to use.

She just wanted to become stronger quickly, learn alchemy, and escape her predetermined fate.

But now that things had turned out like this, no one could point her in a specific direction. The Law was as silent as death. Leng Mushi…

After thinking about it, she had no choice but to be honest and stop pretending.

Leng Mushi took a deep breath and stood up. Xiao Mian also stood up with her, looking at her with tenderness in his eyes.

"I'm willing to give myself to you." Xiao Mian said first. "I have nothing to repay your kindness for saving my life, so why don't you just take me as compensation?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Leng Mushi with a smile. He was truly handsome, and when he looked at someone so intently, he was strikingly elegant, his smile as bright as the moon.

He opened his arms, waiting for Leng Mushi to throw herself into them.

"My cultivation is still low, and I can't promise you much in the future," Xiao Mian said, "But I will cultivate diligently and help you with your alchemy. Whether it's being your medicine tester or helping you cleanse your spiritual veins with spiritual energy, there's always a way."

Xiao Mian said, "Come here, I really want to hug you now."

He spoke frankly and sincerely. If it were anyone else, they would have thrown themselves into his arms without hesitation.

But Leng Mushi took a step back and leaned against the formation, her expression no longer helpless, but serious and resolute.

The Law on her waist was still colder than a dead man.

Leng Mushi hung her head for a moment, knowing she had to solve this herself.

She took two steps forward, but instead of throwing herself into his arms as Xiao Mian had thought, she raised her hand and pressed down on his arms, not daring to look at him.

She turned her head and said quickly, "You don't need to repay me. Didn't you already give me the Rejuvenation Pill? My face is healed, without a single scar. You don't have to worry about repaying me for saving your life."

The smile on Xiao Mian's lips froze. His intuition told him that it was best to cover the mouth of the person in front of him.

But he just curled his fingers, afraid of scaring her, and didn't dare to move.

Leng Mushi found it much easier once she started talking. As she spoke, she thought, since things have come to this, why not just solve it all at once?

So she turned her head and looked directly at Xiao Mian. "My spiritual roots have been cleansed, and I'm much better now. I don't need anyone to test medicine for me anymore, so we don't need to meet every three nights, Senior Brother Xiao."

Leng Mushi said, "The path of alchemy is difficult, but cultivation is ultimately a path one must walk alone. Thank you for your help during this time. If you need any pills in the future, just come to me, Senior Brother Xiao. As long as the Cangsheng Courtyard has it, I will find a way to get it for you."

"You…" Xiao Mian's smile was completely gone. He raised his hand to grab Leng Mushi, but she dodged and retreated to the formation.

"Senior Brother Xiao, I won't hold it against you for offending me so many times before," Leng Mushi said shamelessly, "But please behave yourself in the future."

She felt ashamed saying this, but when she was pestering Xiao Mian before, she never thought her actions would have such an effect.

So under Xiao Mian's cracked expression, she gritted her teeth and continued, "I said I liked you before…"

"It was all…"

"Leng Nianci!" Xiao Mian suddenly stopped her and grabbed her arm without a word.

Leng Mushi thought he was going to hit her. She had been traumatized by Hua Yanyue's beatings, so she closed her eyes, shrugged, and said quickly, "At first it was to trick you into helping me enter the sect, then it was to trick you into testing medicine for me. It was all fake!"

There was a suffocating silence. The formation seemed to isolate even the sound of the wind, leaving only the rapid heartbeats of the two.

One was because of guilt and fear, the other because of anger and shock.

"Don't joke… This isn't funny." After a while, Xiao Mian said stiffly, but his hand holding Leng Mushi was trembling, and getting tighter, betraying his current breakdown.

Leng Mushi would never get involved with Xiao Mian. She even thought that the soul-searing pain of the Law was nothing compared to this. Why not try to completely get rid of the plot?

So she simply said, "I'm not joking. Is it true or false, Senior Brother Xiao? Don't you feel anything at all? Can't you really feel my indifference every time I achieve my goal? Or do you like to deceive yourself? I've never liked you, I was just using you."

Leng Mushi said, "I am now a disciple of the Alchemy Elder. I don't need to use you anymore. I wanted to end things amicably, but you actually like me…"

She sneered deliberately. "Senior Brother Xiao, being delusional is a disease that needs to be cured."

"If Senior Brother Xiao really can't forget me, I'll ask Master for a pill for you," Leng Mushi said. "After you take it, you'll…"

"I'm injured," Xiao Mian suddenly said.

Leng Mushi: "…Whether you're injured or not, I still don't like you."

"I went to see you a month ago and my meridians were shattered by the Cangsheng Courtyard's barrier,"

"Ah?" Leng Mushi immediately thought of Hua Yanyue. She knew her master too well. She had miscalculated, she should have known. Hua Yanyue had always been frighteningly straightforward. She said she didn't want Xiao Mian, so it was normal for her to hit him.

"I have spider silk here." Leng Mushi hurriedly broke free from Xiao Mian and subconsciously rummaged through her storage bag, taking out the magic spider silk and giving it to him. "It can reconnect meridians…"

Xiao Mian grabbed her hand holding the spider silk with a cold expression, as if afraid she would disappear. He looked down at the silk, knowing how precious it was, and his eyes flickered.

But soon he spoke in a low voice, his eyes fixed on Leng Mushi's. "Did you know I went to see you the day I was injured?"

Leng Mushi subconsciously wanted to shake her head. She really didn't know, but Xiao Mian's stare made her sober. She wanted to make a clean break with the plot, with Xiao Mian, and even with Leng Tianyin. She had to be ruthless.

So she bit the tip of her tongue and nodded with a smile. "Yes, I know."

Leng Mushi said, "I was right next to Master. Master's attack was too heavy. Don't take it to heart, Senior Brother Xiao. As long as you don't go to Cangsheng Courtyard to look for me in the future, Master naturally won't attack you again. This magic spider silk is considered an apology, use it to reconnect your meridians. From now on, we're even."

Xiao Mian's grip on her hand tightened, making Leng Mushi frown in pain. "Even…"

Xiao Mian slowly repeated these words, his expression cold enough to freeze someone to death, but his tone was almost humble. "But you said many times that you liked me, you took the initiative to get close to me, we clearly got along well, do you really not have any feelings for me at all?"

Leng Mushi felt a little suffocated by his questioning. In fact, aside from the plot and Leng Tianyin, Xiao Mian was indeed a good person. Although not humorous, he was a good listener, and it wasn't uncomfortable to get along with him. He had a kind of naivety that didn't match his appearance, making it impossible for people to be wary of him.

But thinking about the later plot, where he and Leng Tianyin loved each other so passionately that it shook the three realms, they couldn't even be friends. Leng Mushi just wanted to stay far away from him.

So she put on Hua Yanyue's signature evil smile. "Senior Brother Xiao, I was thinking that since you were willing to give me the Rejuvenation Pill, I should stop lying to you. Actually, I don't like your type."

Xiao Mian should leave. He had really lost all face and dignity. He was a sought-after genius in the Tai Chu Sect, he shouldn't put himself in such an embarrassing situation.

It didn't matter, it didn't matter, it was just a moment of blindness, he just had to leave.

Just pretend that nothing had happened.

But before he turned around, he couldn't help but ask in a shaky voice, "Then what kind of person do you like…"

Leng Mushi could hardly breathe. Xiao Mian was too stubborn. She had humiliated him in every possible way, why wouldn't he leave? How could he be so…

Leng Mushi didn't believe in deep and unforgettable love. They had only known each other for three months. Even if he had feelings, it was just a stone falling into the water, a fleeting ripple. He should be able to let go easily.

Her parents had sworn oaths of love and marriage, but they still ended up separated by life and death. Xiao Mian at most had lost face, it was nothing.

It was nothing.

Leng Mushi was convinced that love in this world was as thin as a cloud. She continued, "Me…"

She searched her mind quickly, but she really didn't have any ideal type she had longed for. Besides… She couldn't hurt anyone else.

Hua Yanyue's face suddenly flashed through her mind, and Leng Mushi had a brainwave. "I like Senior Brother Xuanzhu!"

Xiao Mian's hand holding her wrist trembled, and the next moment he let out a soft chuckle, but quickly restrained himself.

He let go of Leng Mushi's hand, hung his head for a moment, and took three steps back, keeping a normal, distant distance from her.

In that short time, he had returned to his usual self. He straightened his back and politely circulated his spiritual energy, turning the formation eye back to its original place.

The exit of the formation behind Leng Mushi suddenly opened. She had been leaning against it, and she stumbled back unexpectedly.

After she steadied herself, she saw Xiao Mian bow slightly to her and say, "I'm sorry, it was my fault for offending you, Junior Sister. I promise from now on…"

Xiao Mian looked up at Leng Mushi, his eyes cold and distant, no longer filled with tenderness. "I will never bother you again, Junior Sister. As you said, we are even."

That's right.

Leng Mushi breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Mian was much more normal this way. She nodded and said dryly, "Okay."

Xiao Mian had already walked towards the exit of the formation.

Leng Mushi stepped aside slightly to let him pass, but when she looked down at the magic spider silk in her hand, she thought of Xiao Mian saying that Hua Yanyue had shattered his meridians.

So she reached out to stop him and handed the silk to Xiao Mian. "Senior Brother Xiao, your meridians still need to be reconnected. You don't have to…"

Xiao Mian didn't even stop walking, he directly used the hilt of his Shuiyun Sword to swat away Leng Mushi's hand holding the spider silk.

This time it wasn't light. Leng Mushi felt his coldness and indifference, and the spider silk in her hand was directly sent flying.

…Fine, the winter-like coldness towards a vicious female supporting character was the normal behavior of a male protagonist.

Of course, she didn't know that although Xiao Mian acted as if he had recovered, he was so heartbroken that if he hesitated for a moment longer, he would have burst into tears in front of her.


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