After the Villainess Awakens

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Chapter 70: Kill them all!

"Brother, you…" Leng Mushi urged Xiao Mian anxiously, but Xiao Mian didn't take the dagger. Instead, he directly cupped her face and kissed her.

Leng Mushi pressed her hand on his shoulder, wanting to push him away. But she felt Xiao Mian's trembling, so she didn't push him away. She even opened her lips slightly, allowing this urgent and anxious kiss to deepen unscrupulously.

Xiao Mian lifted Leng Mushi and pressed her to the ground. When he finally let her go, Leng Mushi wiped the moisture from her lips and handed him the dagger.

"Feel the place where the demonic energy is strongest in his body. He often changes the location of his demon core." Leng Mushi said, "Only when he voluntarily surrenders the demon core can I seal him. Only by sealing him can the human race be saved from disaster. Now the cultivation world is already at war with the demon race… Xing Zhou is dead."

Xiao Mian closed his eyes, gasping for breath. The hysterical voice of the Heavenly Demon in his mind was constantly bewitching him, tearing at his remaining consciousness, trying to replace it.

Xiao Mian got up slightly, took the dagger, looked at Leng Mushi, and pointed the tip of the dagger at himself. The next moment, the voice in his body rose sharply by several degrees.

"You are so cheap! She wants you to die, so you go to die?! She's lying to you, lying to you! Everything is a lie to you, you are nothing to her, not even an ant!"

"She was planning to use you from the very beginning. You haven't dissipated in my body, so you should know very clearly that she is the Heavenly Emperor. She even dared to kill and deceive me, the symbiotic body that has been with her for hundreds of thousands of years. Will she love you? What are you!"

Leng Mushi knelt on one knee, watching Xiao Mian nervously. Xiao Mian lowered his eyes and hesitated for a moment. The tip of the dagger moved back and forth on his body, but he never stabbed it down.

The foul language and the bloody cruel facts in his ears made Xiao Mian feel heartbroken, even though he was only a remnant soul.

The blood in his left eye spread again. Xiao Mian heard the Heavenly Demon say, "Don't listen to her. As long as you don't listen to her, I will let you stay in my body and even let you out occasionally!"

Xiao Mian threw away the dagger abruptly, raised his eyes to look at Leng Mushi, grabbed her lapel, and questioned, "You lied to me all this time, right? You never loved me at all. This is all your trap. I'm just your pawn!"

There was an unprecedented pain in Xiao Mian's eyes. He questioned Leng Mushi, gritting his teeth and asking, "Maybe I'm not even a real chess piece, just a remnant, because I didn't resist the awakening of the Heavenly Demon as you wished. That's why you pushed me off the cliff at Mount Taichu that day, you just gave up on me, right!"

His voice was stern. Xiao Mian had never spoken to Leng Mushi in such a tone. Leng Mushi was stunned by his roar, and a mist flashed in her eyes, but it quickly dissipated.

Xiao Mian stared at her eyes closely, almost touching her nose. Leng Mushi saw through all his thoughts. The next moment, the tenderness disappeared, and she kicked him far away with one foot. Xiao Mian rolled on the ground, clutching his waist, and let out a miserable smile, "You never loved me at all, right!"

He slammed his fist on the ground, and blood gushed out instantly. He looked at Leng Mushi with hatred in his eyes, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his eyes were gradually covered with blood.

Leng Mushi walked up to him, looked down at him condescendingly, lifted his chin with her toes, met his eyes that were about to be completely engulfed in blood, and said, "Yes."

"You are a waste." After Leng Mushi finished this sentence, Xiao Mian's eyes were completely covered with blood. The Heavenly Demon lay on the ground and laughed uncontrollably. The sound echoed in the Demon Palace like the sharp laughter of an evil ghost from the underworld.

"It really is you, hahahahaha… You turn your back on him as soon as you find out he's useless!" The Heavenly Demon got up from the ground, swept away the embarrassment on his body with demonic energy, and looked at Leng Mushi excitedly, "So what are you going to do now that your little pawn is broken?"

Leng Mushi ignored him, turned around and summoned the Mirror of Cause and Effect. At the border of the human race, the cultivators of various sects were fighting fiercely with the blood demons.

Leng Mushi frowned slightly. She saw that there were more blood demons than she expected. The Heavenly Demon stood behind her, admiring the battle situation on the Mirror of Cause and Effect with her.

"I know you have once again summoned the Yin soldiers and ghost generals to help these cultivators, but it's useless." The Heavenly Demon said, "Those outside are not only blood demons, but also the demon race. The demon race was already declining. I subdued and refined them two months ago. I extracted the demon king's demon power to refine the Demon Control Pill. I have to thank you for your cultivation method in the mortal world, it is really useful."

Leng Mushi closed her eyes. Everything about the Heavenly Demon came from her, so naturally he would know everything she knew. She looked up at the picture, and she saw those disciples on Mount Taichu, some she knew by name and some she only recognized by face, dying one by one.

The elders formed formations to protect the disciples, but they couldn't resist the demon army that kept appearing from the void and the ground. Each one of them was a high-level demon that had been refined. With such a huge number, it was afraid that the cultivation world would not be able to hold on until the Yin soldiers arrived.

Leng Mushi took a deep breath. She saw Zhu Rong being torn to pieces by a demon fox with sharp claws and teeth. The shy and agile girl, the moment before her blood spilled on the ground, was still happy because she had killed a demon beast. Her broken half of her head still had a smile that had not yet dissipated.

"Zhu Rong!" A heart-wrenching cry came from the Mirror of Cause and Effect, but Leng Mushi froze. She saw that Leng Tianyin was actually there too!

"Oh, this is fun, my Water Shadow Demon General is here." The Heavenly Demon's chuckle made Leng Mushi shiver uncontrollably. She clearly asked Cang Sheng to hide her in the Jasper Cave, so why would she appear here?!

"I thought that after you woke up and knew that she was of the Water Shadow bloodline, you would kill her." The Heavenly Demon said, "I didn't expect that you really think of her as your sister? Hahahaha—"

Leng Mushi's face was cold and solemn. She turned around and summoned Cang Sheng, slashing straight at the Heavenly Demon. Now the only thing she could do was to consume the Heavenly Demon, so that the demon army would be slightly weakened.

However, at this moment, the Heavenly Demon naturally no longer sat still. He also summoned a bone sword, but his bone sword was called Purgatory, and it collided fiercely with Leng Mushi's Cang Sheng.

Black clouds surged in the Demon Realm, and spiritual light exploded within them. It was Purgatory and Cang Sheng, one black and one silver, entangled and fighting endlessly.

At the border of the human race, the cultivation world also saw this vision. They knew that the thick black demonic energy came from the Heavenly Demon, but they didn't know where the clear and pure spiritual light came from. There was no powerful cultivator in the current cultivation world who could match the Heavenly Demon.

All the disciples above the middle level in the entire cultivation world were dispatched. Except for the elders who were not good at fighting and were sitting in their sects, everyone was defending the border of the human race tonight.

It's just that these hideous-looking demon beasts with drool flowing from their mouths were endless like a school of crucian carp crossing a river. The bloodthirsty aura was overwhelming, covering the original stars of tonight.

The elders of the sects formed protective shields, connecting into indestructible shields at the border of the human race. However, maintaining these shields required a lot of spiritual power, so it was difficult for the elders to protect their disciples.

The battle in the Demon Palace was also extremely fierce. Leng Mushi almost turned into a bolt of lightning, holding Cang Sheng and piercing through the top of the Heavenly Demon's head from top to bottom. At this moment, the demon's movements hesitated slightly, giving the cultivators a moment to breathe.

Leng Mushi held Cang Sheng and split the blood demon in half. Her spiritual robe was not stained with blood at all, and neither was the bone sword Cang Sheng.

She landed on the ground with her sword, looking at the Mirror of Cause and Effect that was always floating. At her feet was the blood that was gathering, and the Heavenly Demon that was slowly merging and recovering.

On the Mirror of Cause and Effect, the middle-level disciples of Mount Taichu were dead all over the place, trampled into flesh by the demon beasts that were constantly rushing up. She shifted her gaze and saw the golden shield of the Buddhist sect, but the shield was covered in bloodstains. There were very few Buddhist disciples left, only Bu Jin, who was holding the Thunder Formation Diagram, was still rushing at the front with a murderous look on his face.

His white hair was soaked with blood, and his cassock with scriptures was scratched by the sharp claws of the demon beasts like a rag hanging on his body. The mantra formation on it was completely destroyed, so he tore it off with one hand, put the Thunder Formation Diagram in his mouth, and tied the broken cassock around the scratched wound on his waist, which was still bleeding. The Buddhist cultivator, who always had compassion in his eyes, raised his eyes, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty and wildness from killing.

Bu Jin swallowed the fishy sweetness in his mouth, shook open the Thunder Formation Diagram again, and attracted the thunder to roll down. Beside the Buddhist sect was the Huanxi Sect, which had lost more than thirty disciples during the day.

Ni Hanyan's long hair was disheveled, no longer as charming and delicate as before. Her red dress was either stained with blood or was originally so dazzlingly red. The moment Bu Jin shook open the Thunder Formation Diagram, she stood on her toes and flew up. With the beast bone whip in her hand, she borrowed the thunder and whipped it towards the rushing demon beasts—

The sizzling sound and sparks exploded in mid-air into gorgeous fireworks, but this was not the auspicious light that represented a festive celebration in the mortal world, but the streamer formed by the lives of countless people.

The extremely decayed old cultivators of the Yanzong sect, who usually worked by spying on the secrets of heaven, were so old that their beards dragged on the ground. They especially loved to rely on their old age and sell themselves at fairy banquets and gatherings.

But now that they were really on the battlefield, the Celestial Phenomenon Plate became the best weapon that could be sent into the group of demon beasts and then exploded. However, this required multiple times the consumption of spiritual power. Bi Xiu of the Yanzong sect watched helplessly as his senior brothers and junior brothers rapidly aged due to the consumption of spiritual power, turning into old men who couldn't even straighten their waists and were dying. Tears welled up in his eyes.

He shouted, "The Demon race has broken their promise, I will fight you to the death—"

As he said that, he turned into a batch of Celestial Phenomenon Plates in the void. This was an extremely difficult spiritual transformation technique in the cultivation world. If it weren't for the current war, who would have believed that these old stubborn people in the Yanzong sect, who usually liked to pretend to be immortal and mysterious, would have such ability!

The Celestial Phenomenon Plates exploded among the new wave of demon beasts that rushed up, blasting many low-level demon beasts into the air, giving the cultivators a little breathing space.

However, this spiritual transformation technique was extremely exhausting after all. Bi Xiu of the Yanzong sect watched as he decayed, and in a blink of an eye, he changed from an old stubborn man who was greedy for life, afraid of death, and pushed female cultivators out to make peace, into a dying old man.

It's just that at this time, no one would think that he was greedy for life and afraid of death, and wanted to minimize big things. He faced these demon beasts with his back to the human race. After more than three thousand years of cultivation, he was so exhausted. This was the real twilight of a hero.

He was a hero of the human race, and he would not even be remembered by the human race.

Leng Mushi sighed softly, and saw You Zishu of the Taichu Sect being swept away by a demon beast's tail and flung into the air.

The arm that the Shadow Demon had made for him on his broken arm was thrown away, and he was stabbed all over by the sharp thorns on the end of the demon beast's tail, but he stood up without hesitation. Xueling's sword light, wrapped in frost and snow, lit up under the dark sky. This was the first time Leng Mushi had seen his legendary ultimate skill - Snow Blade Frost Wind!

The demon beast that had originally hit him with its tail suddenly stopped moving, and then turned into a stone, collapsing in front of everyone.

It was also at this time that the Heavenly Demon took shape again. He looked up at Leng Mushi who was watching the battle, and felt extremely resentful in his heart. She was too ruthless to him and never blinked when she killed him.

The Heavenly Demon attacked from behind her with his sword. Leng Mushi sensed it, but didn't move. The pure black bone sword pierced through her chest.

Blood flowed from the corner of Leng Mushi's mouth, but she turned her head to look at him with a smile. The Heavenly Demon didn't expect that he could stab her, and his expression was stunned. But the next moment, the red rune between his eyebrows lit up, and the blood slave contract took effect. His waist and abdomen were pierced with ten blood holes by the invisible blood contract.

Leng Mushi shook out the Purgatory bone sword in her body, looked at the Heavenly Demon who was kneeling on the ground clutching his chest, and thought of what Xiao Mian had said to her, "Now that the blood slave contract is established, even if I die, if this body of mine dares to hurt you, it will suffer tenfold backlash."

She walked towards the Heavenly Demon and kicked him to the ground. She looked up again and saw that the Shadow Sect cultivators and the Yin soldiers brought by Yan Su had already taken control of the situation with the demon beasts.

She breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the cultivators of the cultivation world who were temporarily resting, and then at the Heavenly Demon who had stood up from the ground with the bone sword Purgatory in his hand, but did not dare to attack Leng Mushi rashly.

At least they could spend the night safely, but Leng Mushi didn't put away the Mirror of Cause and Effect. Instead, she continued to watch the people who were resting, supporting each other, and healing each other after the demon army retreated.

Leng Tianyin was secretly feeding medicine to the injured Yi Tu, You Zishu and Xuan Zhu were healing each other, Mount Taichu had the most elders among all the sects, so in this battle, Mount Taichu had the least casualties.

The Yin soldiers were not allowed to stay in the human world, so Yan Su soon took them back to the Yellow Springs. The cultivators did not retreat and guarded the border of the human race all night.

There was a chasm separating this place from the human race. There was a formation that had been blocking it for thousands of years. The demon race was not allowed to cross it. However, now the demon race had broken the great formation between the demon race and the cultivation world. They came out in full force and lurked everywhere. If they were allowed to cross this border, the human world would surely usher in a catastrophe.

The cultivation world had already suffered such heavy casualties, so how could the human race resist? A high-level demon beast could destroy a country.

The corpses of the dead from the sects were all collected in one place. No one could take them back to their sects. They could only be thrown into the chasm nearby, which was considered to be born from heaven and earth, and returned to heaven and earth.

And those who had corpses to throw away were considered lucky. Many disciples were directly trampled into flesh by the demon beasts, and some were directly eaten, and there was no way to collect their corpses.

They had won this first battle with great difficulty, but they had already lost nearly half of their people. If the demon army made a comeback tonight, they would be so exhausted, they didn't know if they could hold this border.

"He loves you so much, don't you have any love for him at all?" The Heavenly Demon suddenly spoke behind Leng Mushi. Leng Mushi turned to look at him.

Both of them were weakened. The Heavenly Demon didn't care. Anyway, whether it was exhausted in the end, or the demon race was completely wiped out, the Heavenly Emperor would not be able to seal him this time, unless they were sealed together, then the vitality of this world would also be cut off.

No matter what, he had achieved his goal.

So he was actually in the mood to laugh, "Xiao Mian, you call him brother hahahahaha, you shameless old thing, you're so old that you don't even have teeth, and you still call him brother."

He walked around Leng Mushi, as if admiring some strange and bizarre demon beast, "You said you… ha."

"What's the use of painstakingly deceiving a human? You might as well use this energy to deceive me. Maybe it won't be long before I'm willing to hand over the demon core to you to seal again."

Leng Mushi had a sullen face and didn't want to speak, but when she heard him say that, she couldn't help but say, "I find it disgusting."

This time it was the Heavenly Demon's turn to look gloomy. It wasn't the first or second day that he had been disgusted, but every time he saw her like this and said such words, he would be extremely angry.

"Why do you despise me! Do you think someone really loves you?!" The Heavenly Demon said, "Yes, whoever you want to love, they will love you, after all, you are the Heavenly Emperor, but is it useful? Is it fun? Do they really love you, and can you tell for yourself! They can't control their own minds to get close to a source of life, just like people are born to like sunny weather, they don't even know what you are, how are you better than me!"

Leng Mushi instantly flashed in front of him, her hand strangling his neck, almost crushing his throat bone.

The Heavenly Demon couldn't breathe, and Leng Mushi couldn't breathe either. Her throat felt like it was burning.

"Of course, you don't love them either, because you can't tell if they really love you…"

Leng Mushi almost tore the Heavenly Demon's head off, but he wasn't afraid at all, and was still talking to his death, "But there is one person who really loves you, Xiao Mian in this body of mine. Three times of regression, every time you killed me, he woke up and was willing to die, but you never showed mercy…"

"In two of these lives, he didn't even say two words to you, and he was already occupied by me, but he was still willing to die for you, so you noticed him and wanted to use him, right?!"

Leng Mushi looked at the Heavenly Demon's crazy appearance, looked at his blood-red eyes with tears from suffocation, and looked like Xiao Mian who was willing to die in every life.

She slowly let go of her hand, her expression in a trance for a moment. The Heavenly Demon pressed his neck and said, "It's a pity, you also said that you overestimated the so-called love of human beings, the one you can't get is the best! This time you are with him, and even sacrificed so much for him while he was alive, but he refused to die for you, hahahahaha, it's really ironic—"

The Heavenly Demon's laughter was really unpleasant to hear. Leng Mushi slowly walked to the Mirror of Cause and Effect, looked up at the disciples of the cultivation world above, but was thinking about other things in her mind.

Four times, she was really tired, if it really didn't work… then seal herself.

Her mind was in chaos, and the Heavenly Demon's self-talking madness gradually faded away from her. Leng Mushi didn't know how long she had been standing there. Dawn was approaching, and she heard the Heavenly Demon finally ask her, "Did you hear what I said?!"

"If you make me your real Demon Queen, I promise you to withdraw the demon army, and we will live together in the human world. I can take you to experience all the joys, anger, sorrows and joys you want to experience." He walked to Leng Mushi's side and reached out to hold her hand.

Leng Mushi's hands were a little cold, and the Heavenly Demon's hands were also cold. He knew what Leng Mushi liked about him, so he covered the blood in his eyes, and even the clothes on his body were transformed into the style of the Taichu Sect disciples' clothes.

He pulled Leng Mushi into his arms in the appearance of Xiao Mian, but Leng Mushi felt like she had fallen into an icy lake. She knew that a real hug was warm, and she couldn't even feel her and the Heavenly Demon's breathing.

They shouldn't exist in the human world in the first place.

So how could they pretend to be lovers and deceive themselves to experience the human world?

Leng Mushi's fingers traced his spine, slowly upwards, finally supporting the back of his neck, and then twisted his head off. The next moment, she held the Cang Sheng sword and flew towards the Mirror of Cause and Effect quickly.

"Enemy attack—"


Leng Mushi landed directly in the middle of the demon beasts that were about to rush towards the border of the human race. The Heavenly Demon in the Demon Palace also turned his neck back at this moment. The blood-colored runes on his face flowed rapidly, and his eyes were about to bleed in anger.

He shouted frantically towards the void, "Kill them all!"

"You hate me, you loathe me, you only love the people, then I will slaughter all the people!"

The real war began. Countless demon beasts rushed towards the border of the human race. The cultivators formed formations one by one, forming airtight shields on the border again.

However, this time, the menacing attack was not something they could resist. On the plain at dawn, the dense army of blood demons and demon beasts trembled the earth with every step forward.

All the cultivators gasped when they saw this scene. Leng Mushi landed in the middle of the blood demon army at this time, and in an instant, with her as the center, the surrounding blood demons turned into blood mist and dispersed in the air.

Leng Mushi landed in front of the cultivation world accompanied by the blood rain all over the sky. The bone sword in her hand drew a semicircle in the air, pointing directly at the demon army that was still advancing towards this side.

The cultivators of the Taichu Sect who were familiar with her almost recognized her by her figure, thinking that Leng Mushi was Leng Tianyin who died for her, and hurriedly ran towards Leng Mushi.

"Sister, I'm so glad you're okay!"

However, she was stopped by the sect's great formation. Xuan Zhu frowned slightly, looking at Leng Mushi's figure, and the faint spiritual light that enveloped her body, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

All the cultivators were stunned. Whether they knew Leng Mushi or not, they couldn't ignore the extremely strong spiritual power and coercion on her body. High-level cultivators couldn't even see what level of cultivation she was at.

Leng Mushi glanced back, didn't say a word, the demon army must not cross the border of the human race today, she stood in front of the cultivators who were holding up the great formation, and the demon army really didn't dare to take another step forward.

But soon, a man covered in thick demonic energy walked out of the void. It was the Heavenly Demon. He was followed by a huge red snake, a giant ape that seemed to reach the sky, and a plain magpie that spread its wings and covered the sky.

Leng Mushi looked at the Heavenly Demon from afar across the thousands of troops and horses, without a word of nonsense, neither of them would compromise with the other.

The next moment, as if heaven and earth collided, the two sides started a fierce battle—

Leng Mushi split open the gate of the Yellow Springs in mid-air, and countless Yin soldiers and ghost generals rushed out of the Yellow Springs, colliding with the demon army first.

And she sat cross-legged in mid-air, covering the entire sky with spiritual light, and the mighty spiritual energy collided with the demonic energy that permeated—

At the same time, the surrounding vitality bypassed the cultivation world protected by Leng Mushi and continued to surge towards her. Wherever the demonic energy and spiritual energy passed, the flowers, plants and trees turned into ashes, and the lush greenery turned into scorched earth.


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