After the Villainess Awakens

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Chapter 74: It Seems He Likes It

Leng Mushi's face was as red as a burning coal, she raised her hand to hit the back of Xiao Mian's neck to knock him out.

Xiao Mian, however, raised his waistband and said to her, "This jade pendant on yours, I find it very familiar, Xiao Gege, where did you get it?"

Xiao Mian paused and quickly asked nervously, "Where have you seen it?!"

Leng Mushi squinted at him, ignoring the dirt on her body, she leaned back on the hillside behind her and fumbled with the jade pendant in her hand, saying, "Hmm, let me think, it seems like when I was a child…"

Xiao Mian leaned closer to her, his fingertips lit up with a cleaning technique, cleaning both of them.

"Where was it?" Xiao Mian cleaned her up and couldn't help but urge her again, only more restrained than the urgency he had just now.

Leng Mushi touched the jade pendant and "ummed" for a long time, deliberately not saying what she remembered, she looked down at the broken jade pendant, remembering the last time Xiao Mian gave her this jade pendant as a token of love.

At that time, Xiao Mian wanted to tell her how precious this jade pendant was, it was from a kind person who gave him food and water when he was young and dying.

But in the end, Xiao Mian did not explain, but Leng Mushi always knew that this "kind person" was not really kind. It was just that in the first three regressions, there was an accident of his infatuated death, and in the fourth regression, she specially fed him the spring water after he was occupied by the demons and was dying.

Xiao Mian's water spiritual roots also came from this, but it was only to allow his consciousness to be maintained for a longer period of time, so that he would not be occupied by the demons too early.

The time point of this life's regression, Leng Mushi chose the time point when she fed him the spring water, only this time Xiao Mian was not parasitized by the demons, nor did he lose his childhood memories.

His water spiritual roots were also purer than before, his talent was higher, his three souls and seven souls were complete, and now he was a real, talented young immortal.

As Leng Mushi thought, he still remembered the kindness of feeding water, and even when she was dragged down the hillside in such a chaotic way, he was willing to endure her, a rude and reckless person, for the sake of hearing her "possible knowledge".

Leng Mushi could easily take advantage of his gratitude and tell Xiao Mian that she had lost it when she was a child, Xiao Mian's temperament, she knew too well, and it was too easy to manipulate.

But she touched the jade pendant, watched him straighten his clothes, tied his loose robes with branches, and then got up and politely pulled her, she felt that the script of taking advantage of his gratitude was really too boring.

So after being pulled up by Xiao Mian, Leng Mushi said, "Actually, I lied to you, I haven't seen this jade pendant at all, I just wanted to talk to you more."

Leng Mushi's smile really didn't look like a good thing, the playful meaning was too obvious, even if Xiao Mian had a good temper, he couldn't help but darken his face.

He turned to leave, but Leng Mushi suddenly "oops", breaking her ankle.

Then she looked at Xiao Mian, who had bypassed the hillside and was walking up, with a face full of sweat and a pale face, and shouted, "Xiao Gege, my foot seems to be broken, it's twisted to a strange place, are you going to leave me here?"

Leng Mushi watched pitifully as Xiao Mian quickly disappeared on the hillside and sighed slightly.

She said to herself, "You said that I should not seal myself, that I am very good, that you will like me no matter what…"

Leng Mushi stood in the autumn night forest, the cold wind blowing, causing goosebumps on her body.

She now had a mortal body, able to perceive cold and heat, able to recognize the five senses, and able to experience the seven emotions. Even because she had accepted the darkest side of the world, she began to be impulsive and irritable, and began to uncontrollably feed on the emotions of pain and despair when others were suffering.

She was no longer "pure."

She was now the same as everything in this world, good and evil coexisted in her body, she even… would get sick, would feel pain.

Although it was not obvious.

Leng Mushi looked at her broken ankle, squatted down and sat down again, she was about to twist her foot back, but suddenly paused, hearing footsteps.

Leng Mushi turned her head to see that Xiao Mian had returned, his face sinking as he came down the hillside towards her.

Leng Mushi smiled sincerely, her heart flooded with an emotion called joy.

Four times, he died tragically for her four times, Leng Mushi had let him know everything through the soul thread when he died, including the first three times, but he was still willing to die for her, willing to say that he loved her, loved her in any way, when he completely disappeared from the world.

Leng Mushi was born from heaven and earth, and she returned to heaven and earth, she loved all beings, and her good and evil were also given to her by all beings.

She would coexist with the demons because the world was divided into good and evil from the very beginning of chaos, she always wanted to strip away and suppress the evil side, to give the world the best, but it backfired.

But no one ever said, love all of her.

He had seen her ugly, demonic side, and even because of that side of her, he had been melted four times, leaving only his consciousness lingering.

Leng Mushi could not forget his last look, it was pain, but that pain was for her.

His eyes were still full of heartache for her in that situation.

He dug out the Heavenly Demon Pill, which was also equivalent to personally cutting open her heart, he held her heart, when everyone hated her ugly side, even her kind but not benevolent and beautiful side, he was heartbroken for her.

If she had not seen the pain in his eyes, Leng Mushi would have forgotten that she would also hurt.

People in the world loved beauty and luck, only knowing that the Heavenly Monarch should be pure and good, with the world in mind, but who would love her darkness and evil?

Who knew that her darkness and evil, the original source was not herself, but the people she loved, she transformed into a human, wanted to personally experience the suffering of all beings, but in the end only fueled the demons, this was not what she wanted.

But how could she not hurt when she killed herself?

Leng Mushi watched as Xiao Mian walked over, watched him squat down to check her foot, healed her with spiritual power, and then squatted down with his back to her, saying, "I'll carry you back to the carriage, don't make a fuss."

Leng Mushi pursed her lips and reached out to him, then lay on Xiao Mian's back, really quietly not making a fuss.

But Xiao Mian did not take a few steps, but felt something warm, slipped into his collar, he paused, softly said: "Is it very painful? Don't cry, I brought healing pills, mortals can also eat, to the carriage side to give you, Senior Brother Xing Zhou stayed in the Fangcao Palace for a period of time, let him treat your ankle."

He said, speeding up his pace, Leng Mushi tightened her arms on his back, the stars in the sky were replaced by muffled thunder, the sudden heavy rain poured down, Yi Tu Xing Zhou by the bonfire, propped up a rain-proof barrier, Xiao Mian also propped up, walking faster.

Leng Mushi suddenly said, "My hairpin fell off."

Xiao Mian had to stop and asked, "Where did it fall?"

He put Leng Mushi down, propped up a barrier for her by the tree, and then went back, Leng Mushi suddenly hugged him who was getting up, sobbing and asked: "Will you still like me like this?"

In this life, will you still like me.

Leng Mushi could easily awaken Xiao Mian's memory, but she didn't want to, she just wanted to know if Xiao Mian would, as he said, still love her, who was not "pure" enough, in this life.

Xiao Mian reached out to push Leng Mushi's shoulder, but felt her trembling and tears, he hesitated for some reason, and his heart ached as if it were being torn apart.

It was as if a pair of hands had dug out his heart alive, it hurt so much.

He uncontrollably hugged Leng Mushi back and reached out to wipe the tears from her face.

Then he realized what he was doing and froze.

He even let the rain-proof barrier disperse because of the shock, the two were instantly drenched by the heavy rain, Xiao Mian even maintained the posture of touching her face with his knuckles.

"Well," Leng Mushi smiled with her eyes curved again, brushing aside the wet hair clinging to her face, "It seems like you do."

Xiao Mian stood up abruptly, backing up several steps in a row, before leaning against a tree in shock, looking at Leng Mushi with a serious face. He put the hand that touched her face behind his back, staring at her sitting in the rain, but with a smile on her face, seriously thinking, did she cast an illusion on him?

But Xiao Mian did not feel anything unusual about her, her ankle was twisted, it must be very painful, so her eyes were slightly red, she was still crying just now, but now it was not clear whether it was tears or rain on her face.

The autumn rain was cold, this rain came and went quickly, Xiao Mian looked at Leng Mushi, for a moment felt that she seemed to be integrated with the tree trunk and even the forest behind her, as if the forest, the rain, the world was originally part of her, a trance, a blink of an eye will disappear in general.

But she was clearly sitting there so brightly and vividly, still smiling at herself, why would he have the urge to hug her?

Xiao Mian did not understand his feelings, so he leaned his back straight against the big tree, watching Leng Mushi warily.

Leng Mushi sat there leisurely, the rain stopped, but the rain on the leaves in the forest was still ticking.

Xiao Mian's back neck was chilled by the ticking rain, he confirmed that he was not under any enchantment, but his eyes every time they fell on Leng Mushi's body, they would be burned by her brilliance.

She was so beautiful.

Xiao Mian realized what he was thinking, and his head was about to explode with wet hair.

However, he did not shock for long, quickly running spiritual power to calm down and concentrate, and then returned to Leng Mushi's side, "Can the hairpin not be found?"

He actually still remembered the hairpin.

Leng Mushi nodded, "Okay."

Xiao Mian carried her on his back again, but this time the atmosphere was completely different, this time Leng Mushi's eyebrows were smiling, but Xiao Mian, no matter what, could not calm down.

The wet clothes made it easy for the body temperature of the two people to be transmitted to each other through the robes, Xiao Mian had never exchanged body temperature with anyone so closely, he walked while applying cleaning techniques, cleaning up the wetness and embarrassment of the two people.

But the two mounds of soft warmth pressed against his back, making his back numb and his arms unable to hold her legs tightly.

Xiao Mian brought Leng Mushi back to the bonfire in agony, Leng Mushi's ankle was grabbed by Xing Zhou and twisted back, Xiao Mian got her the medicine, Leng Mushi ate it, and then talked and laughed with Yi Tu and them.

"I wanted to go to the bathroom and accidentally fell into a tree pit," Leng Mushi said, "It was Xiao Gege who happened to find me and saved me…"

They chatted and roasted sweet potatoes in the fire, Xiao Mian had not come over, he did not dare, he was afraid that he would lose control inexplicably again.

He sat on the shaft of the carriage, staring at the back of Leng Mushi's head as if he could see a flower, using the dark night to cover his peeping.

The so-called day has something to think about, the night has something to dream, Xiao Mian cultivated to now, although the cultivation is not considered high, but do not need to sleep for several hours like mortals.

He could recover in an hour, but it was this hour of sitting by the carriage, his dreams were full of those reddish, wet eyes.

It was all Leng Mushi's appearance, almost integrated with the mountains and the earth, he kept chasing her in his dream, how could not catch up, tired like a dead dog that had run eight hundred miles at night.

The next day on the road, the air was clear after the rain, Leng Mushi stood by the car, watching Xiao Mian return with a sleeve full of wild fruits.

He first gave some to Leng Tianyin across the carriage, and then under Leng Mushi's gaze, his ankle turned, he crossed her, did not give her!

Leng Mushi: "…" Was this exclusion?!

But it was soon confirmed that it was not, because Xiao Mian did not turn back for a while, scratching his ears and cheeks around a few times, his face serious as if it was not to give people fruit, but to go to the grave.

He gave all the remaining fruit to Leng Mushi in a way that threw paper money at the grave.

"Eat." He said succinctly.

Leng Mushi smiled and took it, sweetly saying, "Thank you, Xiao Gege."

She took the fruit and before she could raise her hand, Xiao Mian suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Leng Mushi: "Huh?"

Xiao Mian immediately let go again, and then ran away like his butt was on fire.

He didn't know why he was running, and he didn't know what he was doing, but there was a clear thought in his mind--

He caught it, it wasn't a dream.


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