After the Villainess Awakens

Chapters List

Chapter 13: I Can't Hold On Anymore!

A perfectly good tour had turned into a mass escape. The four-legged snake, startled by the shouts of the crowd, swiftly slithered down from the tree—

And then it began chasing after the fleeing disciples one by one. The courtyard, once filled with hopeful candidates, now resembled a savanna where herbivores were being hunted by tigers and wolves. Disciples scattered in all directions, their panicked cries echoing through the air.

Most of these disciples were pampered young men and women from wealthy families at the foot of the mountain. Doted on and sheltered, they had been sent to the Immortal Sect to cultivate and seek immortality, dreaming of eternal life.

None of them had ever witnessed such a scene, nor could they have imagined that such a ferocious beast resided within the esteemed Elder Courtyard!

Two disciples, their souls utterly terrified, fainted on the spot.

Meanwhile, the four-legged beast continued its pursuit, its large mouth agape, emitting cries that resembled the wails of a human infant. Strangely, it showed no interest in harming the unconscious individuals on the ground, focusing solely on those who continued to flee.

"Hahaha!" Xuan Zhu roared with laughter, doubled over at the sight of the panicked disciples.

Although Leng Mushi had feared little in her life, the sheer size of the four-legged snake, dwarfing the harmless, palm-sized creatures that occasionally scaled walls in the mortal realm, filled her with dread. This beast was hundreds of times larger!

She watched in horror as the creature ripped apart a male disciple's robe, tearing through his trousers as well. The terrified young man ran for his life, his face contorted in fear, frothing at the mouth. He paid no heed to his exposed backside, leaping and bounding like a rabbit on a sugar rush.

Xuan Zhu laughed so hard that tears streamed down his face. Some disciples, their voices hoarse, begged him to open the barrier and let them out. He ignored their pleas, revelling in their terror, mocking their fear with cruel amusement.

Leng Mushi, initially paralyzed with fear, felt a surge of hope as Fen Lian whispered in her ear, "Don't be afraid. This creature has no trace of bloodlust. It hasn't harmed anyone."

Leng Mushi paused mid-run. She noticed that the unconscious disciples remained untouched. An idea sparked in her mind. "Don't panic! Don't shout! Lie flat on the ground!" she yelled.

But in their panicked state, no one listened.

Worse, her shout attracted the four-legged beast's attention, sending it charging towards her!

Leng Mushi quickly dropped to the ground, burying her head in her arms, feigning death.

As she had hoped, the beast bypassed her, continuing its pursuit of the others.

—Don't worry, Xiao Mian is on his way.

The Law suddenly spoke, offering Leng Mushi a sliver of comfort. As expected, with the female lead, Leng Tian Yin, terrified, the male protagonist was sure to make a heroic and dashing entrance.

She lay perfectly still on the ground. The four-legged beast passed her several times. Twice, its icy tail whipped against her back, sending shivers down her spine. But true to Fen Lian's words, she remained unharmed.

Most of the disciples were now paralyzed with fear, while those still running were nearing exhaustion.

At that moment, the barrier suddenly vanished as Xuan Zhu, who had been enjoying the spectacle, deactivated it. The remaining disciples, half-dead from terror, scrambled to their feet and stumbled out of the courtyard, supporting each other.

Leng Tian Yin, dragged along by two of her friends, reached the exit. She realized that Leng Mushi was still lying on the ground nearby. As she turned to go back, Xuan Zhu reactivated the barrier, trapping Leng Mushi inside. He leaned against the barrier, smirking at Leng Tian Yin.

The barrier not only prevented entry but also muffled sound. Leng Tian Yin's screams were inaudible to Leng Mushi. Still lying on the ground, she could only hear the childlike cries of the four-legged beast. Unaware that everyone else had escaped, she believed the ordeal was not yet over.

"Sister!" Leng Tian Yin cried, pounding on the barrier. The four-legged beast, startled, suddenly lunged towards the barrier, causing Leng Tian Yin to collapse in fear. Her friends quickly helped her up.

"Tian Yin, this won't work. We need to find Senior Brother and inform the Sect Leader!" one of them urged.

Leng Tian Yin immediately turned and ran towards Fifth Elder's residence on the mountain. He was the only person she knew well in the entire sect. Surely, seeking his help would be faster than trying to reach the distant Sect Leader!

She hadn't run far when she encountered Xiao Mian descending the mountain after his meal. Seeing her panicked state, he inquired about the matter. Upon hearing her frantic explanation, he swiftly turned and, with a few taps of his toes, vanished down the stone steps to seek his master's assistance.

Hua Yanyue, the Second Elder, was a unique figure in the Tai Chu Sect.

She was renowned throughout the cultivation world as an Alchemy Venerable. Her exceptional pills were incredibly rare and highly sought after. However, her eccentric and unpredictable nature caused most elders to steer clear of her.

Cultivators walked a perilous path, their bodies, minds, and even souls constantly at risk.

Ordinary medicine held little effect on cultivators, especially when it came to suppressing inner demons or healing wounds inflicted by demonic creatures. Such injuries, tainted with demonic energy, were beyond the reach of mortal remedies.

In the cultivation world, physicians and alchemists were inseparable. Even the most skilled physician was limited without access to alchemically refined pills. Therefore, Alchemy Venerables were highly valued and untouchable figures in the cultivation world.

Despite their often-limited combat abilities, no one dared to offend or harm them. Every sect treated them as treasures, providing for their every need. The Tai Chu Sect was no exception. Even with their formidable elders, they still relied on pills.

And the more powerful the cultivator, the greater their need for high-grade pills. Therefore, they dared not provoke Hua Yanyue, enduring her eccentricities for the sake of their cultivation.

Furthermore, as the Second Elder, Hua Yanyue outranked all but the Sect Leader, Zheng Ping, making her their senior sister. Her position within the Tai Chu Sect was unparalleled, and her fellow elders had often suffered at the hands of her capriciousness.

The Second Elder showed no favoritism to anyone, except for her enigmatic disciple, Xuan Zhu. Rumored to have been brought directly from the mortal realm, Xuan Zhu possessed a personality strikingly similar to Hua Yanyue's – wickedly mischievous.

At present, it was impossible for Xiao Mian to break through the barrier and rescue Leng Mushi. His cultivation level paled in comparison to Xuan Zhu's, and only a handful of elders possessed the ability to dismantle a barrier erected by the Second Elder.

Xiao Mian had to reach his master as quickly as possible. Leng Tian Yin followed closely behind. Her cries and shouts outside the barrier were futile; Xuan Zhu was as heartless as a demon.

Leng Tian Yin clung to the hope that, at the very least, Fifth Elder, as their elder, wouldn't stand idly by and watch them die. Leng Mushi was, after all, the cherished daughter of the Leng family. He had brought them to the mountain; surely, he wouldn't abandon them now…

Meanwhile, the terrified disciples who had scattered were gathered by inner sect disciples. Upon learning of the situation, they immediately reported the incident to Sect Leader Zheng Ping.

Back at the Second Elder's courtyard, the disciples gathered outside the barrier noticed a change. A white mist had descended, obscuring their view. Their cultivation levels were insufficient to penetrate the veil.

"Heavens! Those disciples… they won't be devoured by that four-legged beast, will they?"

"The Second Elder's disciple has gone too far this time."

"Could it be the Second Elder herself…? I've never met her, but I've heard tales of her bizarre temperament…"

Whispers broke out amongst the disciples, only to be silenced by their seniors.

"Silence! The elders would never harm their disciples. This must be an accident."

The whispers died down.

A moment later, another hushed voice arose, "Sect Leader's first disciple, Senior Brother You Zishu, is here!"

The crowd outside the barrier continued to grow, while inside, aside from those who had fainted, only Leng Mushi remained, enduring the torment.

That scoundrel Xuan Zhu had dragged her from the ground, forcing her to run from the four-legged beast.

When Fen Lian tried to intervene, Xuan Zhu caught her. "Oh? So this is the thing that told you to lie down? How dare you bring a demon onto Tai Chu Mountain?"

No matter how hard Fen Lian struggled, she couldn't break free from Xuan Zhu's grasp. It had been too long since she had last tasted the blood of a living creature. Her demonic power was almost entirely depleted, leaving her in the form of a small, powerless piece of paper.

Leng Mushi dodged and weaved, reaching out towards Xuan Zhu. "Senior Brother, please have mercy! She hasn't harmed anyone. Look, her demonic power is almost gone!"

Xuan Zhu glanced at her, a cruel smile playing on his lips. He sneered at Fen Lian, "How can one become a great demon without harming anyone? Don't lie to me. I'll let her go, but only if you can calm that beast down. Then, I won't tell anyone about you bringing a demon onto Tai Chu Mountain with malicious intent."

Leng Mushi was at her wit's end. The four-legged beast was incredibly agile. How could she, a mere mortal, possibly subdue such a creature?!

Was she supposed to feed herself to it?

Tired of Fen Lian's struggles, Xuan Zhu crumpled her into a ball and held her tightly in his fist. He watched Leng Mushi run with an amused glint in his eyes.

Leng Mushi was utterly exhausted, her clothes torn, revealing glimpses of her slender waist. Xuan Zhu clicked his tongue and said, "Use your brain, will you? Did a dog eat it?!"

"My brain doesn't work in situations like this!" Leng Mushi retorted between breaths.

Xuan Zhu chuckled, "It seems to like you quite a bit."

Like her? It probably wanted to eat her!

Drenched in sweat and utterly spent, Leng Mushi could run no more. She gasped for air, desperately trying to climb a nearby tree.

But as she reached the halfway point, she felt a sharp tug on her trousers. She had forgotten that the four-legged beast could climb too.

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I… huff… I still have… huff… a lot of scenes left, right?" she asked the Law.

Maybe the plot would grant her some kind of immortality to protect her.

But deep down, she knew it was wishful thinking.

After all, being half-eaten or mauled wouldn't necessarily kill her. As long as the vicious female supporting character remained vicious and twisted, missing limbs might even enhance her character.

The Law's voice was tense, laced with worry and urgency that Leng Mushi, in her current state, couldn't detect. He said—Xiao Mian is on his way with something to open the barrier. Hold on a little longer.

Hold on my ass!

I can't hold on anymore!

Leng Mushi clung to the tree trunk, her trousers shredded. The four-legged beast, though capable of climbing, was hampered by its size. It couldn't reach Leng Mushi at the top, but it relentlessly clawed and tore at her trousers.

She had reached the very top of the tree. Fearing that she might break the branch and fall, she stuck out one foot. "Fine, eat it, you little beast! Could it be any worse than the soul-searing pain I've already endured?"

She panted heavily, bracing herself for the agonizing pain. But it never came. The four-legged beast continued to tug at her trousers, its sharp teeth scraping against her delicate ankle, but it didn't break the skin. Instead, it seemed content to simply lick her.

All the while, it continued to emit its childlike cries, growing increasingly distressed.

Leng Mushi, still gasping for air, noticed that despite the beast's persistence, it hadn't bitten her. It seemed to be looking at something above her?

She followed its gaze—

Above her, there was nothing but the treetop and a cluster of bright yellow fruits.

Bright yellow fruits?!

Leng Mushi glanced at the unconscious disciples on the ground. They were all unharmed. There wasn't a single drop of blood in the entire courtyard. It dawned on her that the four-legged beast had only chased them and torn their clothes; it hadn't actually bitten anyone.

She stared at its sharp teeth, capable of crushing the bones of large beasts in an instant, and a ridiculous thought crossed her mind.

Xuan Zhu, observing the scene, let out a chuckle. "She's not completely brainless after all…" he muttered.

A small, bright yellow fruit came hurtling towards the four-legged beast, hitting it squarely on the head.

Its cries abruptly ceased. With astonishing speed, it snatched the falling fruit in its mouth. A loud "crunch" echoed through the courtyard, and juice splattered across Leng Mushi's face.

Blinking away the juice, a slow smile spread across Leng Mushi's face. She wanted to laugh out loud in relief. The heavens hadn't abandoned her after all!

One after another, she pelted the four-legged beast with small fruits. Despite its size, it caught each one with the agility of a dog snatching a bone, no matter how awkward the angle.

Leng Mushi, emboldened, aimed a fruit at its head. The creature didn't seem to mind, happily munching away, drool dripping down its chin.

She glanced at Xuan Zhu, who had released Fen Lian. The paper spirit immediately darted back to Leng Mushi. Their eyes met, and Xuan Zhu's gaze was filled with disdain.

He snorted. "You're not afraid of backlash for keeping a demon as a pet?"

He then proceeded to collect the unconscious disciples, dragging them one by one towards the barrier entrance before tossing them out like garbage.

Leng Mushi, her arms laden with the unknown fruits, cautiously approached the four-legged beast. After consuming several fruits, its cries had softened. As she drew closer, it even let out a series of whimpers that sounded suspiciously like purrs.

She offered it another fruit, placing it directly into its mouth. The creature waited until she withdrew her hand before closing its jaws, rewarding her with another face full of fragrant juice.

Leng Mushi glanced at Xuan Zhu again. "It just wanted someone to pick fruits for it?" she asked, bewildered.

Xuan Zhu simply grunted in response. Leng Mushi, emboldened, reached out and tentatively stroked the creature's head. Its small, round eyes blinked at her, holding a strange, almost endearing quality.

She continued to feed it the fruits. As she offered the last two, Xuan Zhu finished tossing out the unconscious disciples.

He strode towards Leng Mushi and grabbed her wrist just as she was about to feed the four-legged beast another fruit. "That's enough. It's had its fill."

Leng Mushi wanted to give Xuan Zhu a piece of her mind. He had gone too far with this terrifying charade, even if she hadn't been physically harmed. But then she reconsidered.

She wasn't some hero destined to save the world, nor was she a disciple of the Tai Chu Sect. Most importantly, she was no match for Xuan Zhu. Why subject herself to further humiliation?

So, she simply handed him the remaining fruits, pulled her wrist free, and straightened her nonexistent appearance. Then, spreading her arms wide, she said, "Senior Brother Xuan Zhu, please toss me out too."

She had seen how much he enjoyed tossing the unconscious disciples.

Xuan Zhu let out a surprised laugh, but his amusement quickly vanished.

"You want me to carry you out? In your dreams." He gave her a sideways glance and circled her, arms crossed, appraising her with a critical eye. "Brainless, weak, and a useless five-element spiritual root that's worse than an outer sect disciple."

Leng Mushi: "…" She could let the other insults slide, but she was definitely not brainless.

"Are you insulting me?" Xuan Zhu leaned closer, their faces almost touching.

The Law suddenly spoke—Xiao Mian is here!

Leng Mushi glared at Xuan Zhu, about to call him out for his inappropriate behavior, when she noticed a startling transformation.

Her eyes widened as, in the space of two breaths, Xuan Zhu's Adam's apple disappeared, his features softened, and two prominent mounds sprouted on his chest, nearly colliding with her own.

The mischievous young man had transformed into a… mischievous young woman.

"But since this beast likes you, you can't be all bad," she said, her voice now distinctly feminine.

The woman's features were strikingly beautiful, yet there was a sharpness to them, an intensity that made her uncomfortable to look at. Her smile was the very picture of a cunning villain from a storybook.

Leng Mushi was speechless, her mind a jumble of confused thoughts. Facing this opponent, her only thought was… there was actually someone even more extra than her.

"Get out of here." The woman tilted her head, glancing at Leng Mushi before jerking her chin towards the barrier, which Xiao Mian had already opened.

And in the blink of an eye, as she turned away, she transformed back into a man.

"Senior Brother Xuan Zhu, I'm here to collect the prospective disciples for their meal." Xiao Mian strode in, his expression composed and collected, betraying no hint of panic. However, his hand, tightly clutching the jade pendant that controlled the barrier, trembled slightly.

His gaze fell upon Leng Mushi, disheveled and seemingly in shock. His lips tightened, but he maintained his composure, bowing respectfully to Xuan Zhu.

Xuan Zhu glanced at him, then back at Leng Mushi. Lowering his voice so only they could hear, he said, "Your lover boy isn't much, is he? He seems like the type to attract unwanted attention."

Leng Mushi silently agreed. He did seem to attract unwanted attention, but he wasn't her lover.

She had already deduced Xuan Zhu's true identity. He had to be the Second Elder; no one else would dare to be so brazen in this courtyard.

However, since the Second Elder had chosen to disguise himself as his disciple, Leng Mushi knew better than to reveal his secret. She simply bowed respectfully and walked towards Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian's relief was evident in his eyes. He looked ready to grab her hand, but he restrained himself. Leng Tian Yin, however, had no such reservations.

As she rushed forward to pull Leng Mushi away, the four-legged beast suddenly sprang into action. It lunged towards Leng Mushi once more, sinking its teeth into her trousers.

The disciples outside the barrier gasped in unison, some even reaching for their swords. Leng Tian Yin stumbled back in alarm, and Xiao Mian instinctively channeled spiritual energy into his palm.

But just as the situation threatened to escalate, Leng Mushi reached out and patted the four-legged beast's head, showing no fear. "Senior Brother Xuan Zhu said you're not allowed to eat today."

She poked its eye. "You really are a bit chubby. And your belly is quite big. Are you expecting?"

"It's male!" Xuan Zhu, who had been walking towards the back of the courtyard, stopped in his tracks and whistled, summoning the four-legged beast back to his side.

Leng Mushi turned to see him disappear deeper into the courtyard. Xiao Mian grasped her arm, his grip firm. "Are you alright?"

She was too daring, touching the head of that Bone-Crushing Lizard.

Leng Mushi shook her head. "That four-legged beast doesn't eat people. It just couldn't reach the fruits on the tree and wanted someone to pick them…"

The disciples at the entrance, familiar with the Bone-Crushing Lizard, exchanged glances. Although several prospective disciples had been frightened, ultimately, no one had been harmed. They began to disperse.

Even if there had been casualties, no one in the Tai Chu Sect could hold the Second Elder accountable. The entire sect relied on her for their healing and advancement pills.

Sixth Elder had nearly been poisoned to death by the Second Elder on several occasions, and all the Sect Leader had done was advise him to go on a long journey to avoid her…

Leng Mushi followed Xiao Mian and a still-sobbing Leng Tian Yin back to the prospective disciples' residence. The spiritual root testing, originally scheduled for the afternoon, was postponed until the following day.

As Leng Tian Yin continued to cry, Leng Mushi ate the meal that Xiao Mian and Yi Tu Xing Zhou had brought. The small room felt cramped with the four of them inside.

"You were too reckless. That was a Bone-Crushing Lizard, not some ordinary four-legged beast from the mortal realm. It's a high-level demonic beast, one of the most troublesome in the demon realm. This one's still young and has been tamed by the Second Elder for many years. When it's fully grown, it can reach three zhang long and one zhang tall. It can crush the bones of most demonic beasts with a single bite, hence its name, Bone-Crushing Lizard."

Yi Tu explained the creature's capabilities to Leng Mushi, then sighed. "But that Xuan Zhu in the Second Elder's courtyard is truly too arrogant."

Xing Zhou nodded in agreement. "Indeed."

Xiao Mian, who had been unusually quiet, looked down at Leng Mushi as she ate. Suddenly, he spoke. "We should find an opportunity to teach him a lesson."

Leng Mushi choked on her food, spraying rice all over Xiao Mian's face. Silence descended upon the room. Even Leng Tian Yin's sobs subsided.

Yi Tu's baby face flushed red as he struggled to contain his laughter. Xing Zhou discreetly tightened his grip on the edge of his sleeve. Xiao Mian blinked, a stray grain of rice falling from his eyelashes.

Leng Mushi coughed awkwardly and reached out to brush the rice off Xiao Mian's forehead. "Don't do anything rash. You're no match for Senior Brother Xuan Zhu." He was the Second Elder!

Xiao Mian couldn't speak; if he did, the rice on his face would end up in his mouth. He stood up stiffly and walked out.

"Our junior brother has always been a stickler for cleanliness. Looks like he'll be scrubbing his skin raw tonight," Xing Zhou remarked as he watched Xiao Mian leave, his face still covered in rice.

Feeling guilty, Leng Mushi wiped her mouth and added, "Senior Brother Xuan Zhu is really powerful."

Don't even think about picking a fight with him.

At that moment, something flashed outside. The ever-burning lamp in the room wasn't very bright, but Leng Mushi noticed it. "Huh?" she uttered.

Yi Tu chuckled. "Don't worry about it. It's a cleaning spell. Our junior brother will probably be flashing all night."

Another flash, fainter this time, suggesting that whatever it was had moved further away.

Leng Mushi thought to herself, he's way too obsessed with cleanliness. He can't even stand a little bit of rice on his face. What happens when he kisses the female lead? Will he rip off his own lips? And if they ever… you know… will he have to cut off his manhood to cleanse himself?

The thought made her giggle. She kicked Leng Tian Yin, who had finally stopped crying. "Why don't you go check on your Xiao-gege? Bring him a handkerchief or something."

Leng Tian Yin stood up, confused. What did her spitting out rice have to do with her? Nevertheless, she obediently grabbed a handkerchief and chased after Xiao Mian.

With Leng Tian Yin gone, Leng Mushi finally relaxed. She had had enough of her incessant, whiny singing for one night.

After the meal, Yi Tu and Xing Zhou left as well. Leng Mushi closed the door, climbed into bed, and took out Fen Lian and the Law, checking to make sure they were both still intact. Satisfied, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

What an eventful day it had been.

Author's Note:

Leng Mushi: You're so obsessed with cleanliness, how are you ever going to do it?!

Xiao Mian: It's fine if it's you. I'm immune to you.


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