After the Villainess Awakens

Chapters List

Chapter 10: Aaaaahhhh!

Leng Mushi pointed at the scar on her face. "See this? This is from when I saved him. If saving someone means they have to marry you, he should marry me first."

Leng Mushi dared to say this because she was confident Xiao Mian wouldn't contradict her. As the male lead, Xiao Mian was naturally the type to return even the smallest favor tenfold.

Even though the method she used from Fenlian's mouth wasn't exactly proper, it did save his life. Of course, marriage was impossible, but it was more than enough to scare away this little girl.

It was a pity, such a cute little junior sister, her cheeks were puffed up in anger.

The doll-faced female cultivator was still unwilling to give up. Her gaze swept across the scar on Leng Mushi's face, then to Leng Mushi's head rubbing against Xiao Mian's arm. She bit her lip, called out "Senior Brother Xiao" again, and stubbornly offered the food box.

Xiao Mian glanced sideways at the top of Leng Mushi's head resting on his arm, his gaze flickering for a moment.

As expected, he didn't deny it. He cleared his throat and said to the doll-faced female cultivator, "Junior Sister Zhu Rong, with my current cultivation level, I don't need to eat the flesh of the Blazing Fire Beast to improve. They are difficult to catch, you should keep it for yourself."

Zhu Rong was the doll-faced cultivator. Leng Mushi saw her face pale a little, her hands almost twisting the food box out of shape. Leng Mushi couldn't help but sigh inwardly, feeling guilty.

"He doesn't want to eat it? Is this spirit beast meat? I've never eaten it before." Leng Mushi said, bumping Xiao Mian's waist with her elbow. "Hey, can I eat it?"

Xiao Mian let out a muffled groan from being bumped, pursed his lips helplessly, and hummed in agreement.

Seeing that Zhu Rong was about to cry, Leng Mushi felt the heat from the law fade, indicating that the plot point was complete.

Her expression immediately changed. She distanced herself from Xiao Mian and looked at the young girl with sympathy, understanding her awkwardness. After all, a young girl's innocent affection was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Leng Mushi took a step forward and smiled kindly. "Little Senior Sister Zhu Rong, you look so adorable. Especially the butterfly pendant on your hair ribbon, it's so lifelike, it makes you look like a flower fairy."

Leng Mushi had often disguised herself as a man to coax young girls in the past. She knew exactly what to say to quickly divert a girl's attention.

Her eyes were sincere, her attitude gentle, and she approached Zhu Rong slowly, like approaching a timid little animal.

Zhu Rong was stunned for a moment, her small mouth pouted, tears threatening to fall. She subconsciously reached up to touch the new butterfly ornament on her hair, but stopped midway. She remembered Leng Mushi's previous words and looked at her with suspicion.

Then she raised her chin. "Who's your Senior Sister? You're not even wearing the outer disciple uniform. You must not have entered the sect yet. Don't call me that. You're not even guaranteed to be able to enter the Tai Chu Sect."

Leng Mushi smiled and said, "Yes, yes, yes. But if I'm lucky enough to enter the sect, wouldn't you be my Senior Sister? Senior Sister, not only your hair ornament, but your bracelet is also exceptionally beautiful. It makes your hand look so fair. What's it made of? It doesn't look like jade. The red is so pretty."

Zhu Rong's attention was completely diverted. She only revealed a tiny bit of her bracelet and usually didn't dare to show it off too much. But no matter where they were, a girl's love for beauty could never be completely suppressed. She just had to avoid the elders and disciples of the Disciplinary Hall.

It was rare to meet someone so discerning. She wanted to chat with Leng Mushi, but with Xiao Mian still standing between them, she felt conflicted and couldn't bring herself to do it.

So she retorted, "Of course, it's not something that can be compared to ordinary mortal jade. This is Thunder Sound Crystal. What do you know…"

Her voice grew softer as she spoke. Leng Mushi had already taken hold of her wrist. She struggled symbolically, then showed her bracelet to Leng Mushi, glancing at Xiao Mian from time to time.

Holding Zhu Rong's wrist, Leng Mushi understood her awkwardness. Without turning her head, she said to Xiao Mian in an impatient tone, "Senior Brother Xiao, if you have nothing else to do, go back to sleep. What are you still standing here for?"

For some reason, Xiao Mian felt a little suffocated, his breathing a little strained. But the two girls had already started talking hand in hand. Naturally, he couldn't listen to their private conversations, so he turned and left.

After he left, Leng Mushi didn't need much time to get Zhu Rong to open up and laugh.

A young girl's affections were innocent and beautiful. But what Leng Mushi found most beautiful about it was that a young girl loved many things, so much so that her admiration for her beloved was no different from her love for bracelets and hair ornaments. They could love this and then love that. It didn't involve the complexities and burdens of the world, as beautiful and fleeting as clouds and mist, easy to lose and easy to replace.

By the time Zhu Rong left late at night, not only did she leave the personally made Blazing Fire Beast jerky to Leng Mushi, but Leng Mushi also gained a little Senior Sister who would look out for her. Although it was clear that Zhu Rong's cultivation wasn't very good, and Leng Mushi didn't ask which elder she trained under, Leng Mushi liked pure and kind girls.

She bad-mouthed Xiao Mian endlessly to Zhu Rong. Taking advantage of the fact that Zhu Rong hadn't fallen too deeply, she successfully pulled her out of the fire pit that was Xiao Mian. By the time the two girls waved goodbye at the courtyard gate, the moon was high in the sky.

As Leng Mushi went back to her room to sleep, Fenlian said sarcastically, "You certainly know how to talk. No one you set your mind to coaxing can escape you. Tell me the truth, how much of what you told me earlier was true and how much was false?"

Leng Mushi just smiled but didn't answer, quickly washing up and lying in bed. Leng Tianyin's room was separated from hers by a lattice screen. She heard Leng Tianyin's even breathing, indicating that she was already asleep.

Fenlian continued, "Tell me, anyway, we're in the same boat now. I've already developed feelings for you, so naturally I won't hurt you."

Leng Mushi was annoyed. Just before falling asleep, she said, "A few points were true."

Fenlian snorted but didn't say anything more.

But she didn't know that the "few points" Leng Mushi referred to were the punctuation marks separating the words in a sentence. Only those were true.

The night passed without incident.

Early the next morning, the grand formation of the Tai Chu Sect opened. Leng Mushi, Leng Tianyin, and the others who lived in the disciple's courtyard were finally brought into the Tai Chu Sect.

Yesterday, from outside, Mount Tai Chu seemed to soar into the clouds, lush and majestic. Today, entering it, they only reached the foot of the mountain. Just a glimpse of this small part of the Tai Chu Sect was enough to make Leng Mushi feel like her eyes weren't enough.

Unlike mortal residences, no matter how luxurious, they were merely extravagantly built courtyards. Although this immortal sect of Tai Chu didn't have the luxurious beauty of a mortal courtyard, it was filled with natural wonders.

In this late autumn and early winter season, the mountain was still lush with flowers and plants, birds singing and butterflies dancing. The winding stone steps leading to the highest peak, like the immortal mountain itself, reached straight into the clouds. It was as if one could walk all the way up, to the highest point, into the clouds, and ascend to the heavens, riding the wind and becoming an immortal.

On both sides of the stone steps, elegant courtyards were hidden among the lush and exotic plants. White-clad disciples with long swords at their waists could be seen everywhere.

In front of each courtyard flowed a gurgling spiritual spring. Spiritual energy visibly permeated every corner of Mount Tai Chu, swirling around the ankles of everyone who walked.

Leng Mushi followed behind many outer disciples and those like her and Leng Tianyin who were preparing to participate in the Spiritual Root Test in a month's time. Her eyes darted around, taking in everything. Her skirt swirled, stirring the spiritual energy around her, drawing it into her nostrils and then into her lungs. It was so refreshing that even her soul felt invigorated.

Living in a place like this, even without cultivating, one could easily live for a hundred years!

Finally, they only reached the mountainside and were led by a disciple to a candidate disciple courtyard called "Flying Crane Courtyard." Everyone here was preparing to participate in the upcoming Spiritual Root Test.

The courtyard was very large. Surrounding the spiritual spring and immortal plants in the center were four large houses. The room number Leng Mushi received was 207, while Leng Tianyin was next door at 206.

The disciple who settled them in showed them around the entire Flying Crane Courtyard, informing them of the locations of various facilities, including the dining hall, Spirit Valley Hall, before leaving them to unpack and settle in.

Leng Mushi didn't have much luggage. When she returned to her room, she found that the bed, clothes, and even toiletries were all prepared. It was evident that the Tai Chu Sect had made thorough preparations for them.

The clothes were also pure white, but unlike the inner disciples, there were no beautiful Tai Chu Sect rune patterns embroidered on the shoulders. Only the belt was embroidered with a grayish-white flying crane to distinguish their identities.

The small room wasn't big, but having a private space was always relaxing. Leng Mushi changed into the candidate disciple uniform. Following the hairstyles of the Tai Chu Sect disciples, she let down her complicated hair bun and tied it simply on top of her head with a hair ribbon.

She rolled around on the bed, enjoying the comfort, when she heard a commotion outside.

She didn't go out, but instead pushed open the small window and peeked outside.

Leng Mushi saw two men arguing.

To be precise, it was two teenagers fighting.

One was dressed in fine clothes, wearing a jade crown, even his boots were embroidered with gold thread. Every detail of his attire was exquisite.

Leng Mushi made a rough estimate. In the mortal world, this must be a very wealthy young master. Any piece of clothing or accessory on him would be worth a fortune.

She looked at the other. He was a teenager who had already changed into the candidate disciple uniform. He was kneeling on the ground with the finely dressed teenager stepping on his shoulder, his back straight, blood at the corner of his mouth.

Several other people surrounded him, seemingly helping the finely dressed teenager restrain him. But even though he couldn't stand up, he didn't back down.

"Trading rooms with you is me giving you face. Do you know who I am?"

The finely dressed teenager had an arrogant look on his face, grinding his foot on the kneeling teenager's shoulder in a humiliating manner, uttering the same old cliché that the powerful and privileged have used to bully others since ancient times.

Many people were watching the commotion, but due to the presence of several who seemed to be the finely dressed teenager's servants, no one stepped forward to stop it for the time being. Those who tried to dissuade him were silenced with a glare.

"I don't care who you are! This is the Tai Chu Sect. Why should I give you the room assigned to me!" The kneeling teenager turned his head, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his spine straight and unyielding.

Leng Mushi clicked her tongue. Indeed, no matter where one went, even on this immortal mountain where a single breath could make one feel refreshed, one could still encounter such scum.

Leng Mushi had seen this kind of thing too many times to be as interested as the others. She shifted to a more comfortable position, propping her chin on her hand, and began to estimate how long it would take for the Tai Chu Sect disciple who had settled them in to arrive at the scene.

Suddenly, she noticed a slender figure with long, black hair cascading down her back, seemingly too rushed to tie it up, dart past her like the wind, rushing towards the crowd.

Leng Mushi recognized her at a glance. It was Leng Tianyin, who lived next door. As expected, to look charming, one must be dressed in mourning clothes. Leng Tianyin's elegant and refined appearance, dressed in these white clothes, made her look even more delicate and pitiful, like a snow elf, "swooshing" past.

Leng Mushi had initially planned to continue watching the drama unfold, but seeing Leng Tianyin rushing in, she immediately slammed the window shut.

She was also reminded of this particular plot point.

She had just thought that they had just been assigned their rooms, why were they fighting? The courtyard where the two teenagers were standing was unfortunately Courtyard Number Four. Judging by the window from which the clothes and bedding had been thrown out, it was right next to the latrine. No matter how you switched it, it was just moving from one bad spot to another, what was there to fight about?

But with the female lead, Leng Tianyin, entering the scene, things were different. She went to mediate, dressed so casually, and with such a beautiful appearance, she was bound to encounter what every female protagonist in a story had to encounter - being harassed.

It went without saying that the one who would harass her was that arrogant and domineering rich young master who had just entered the Tai Chu Sect. But could the male lead's woman be harassed by just any random bastard?

Leng Mushi didn't know how long it would take for the disciple who had settled them in to arrive at the scene, but the male lead, Xiao Mian, would definitely come.

Leng Mushi closed the window and lay back on her bed, silently counting down in her heart. She only got to three when she heard a yell of "Ouch!"

The voice clearly belonged to the rich young master from before. Xiao Mian was fast! As expected of someone who was a perfect match for the meddling and icy beauty, Leng Tianyin.

A hero saving a damsel in distress was a classic trope that never got old in stories. But when it happened to you, and you were neither the hero nor the damsel being rescued, but the villain who was supposed to stir up trouble, things weren't so great.

The next part of the plot was naturally the appearance of the vicious female supporting character, siding with the outsider.

The reason that arrogant young master dared to be so嚣张was that he had some connections in the Tai Chu Sect. In the following plot, she, the vicious female supporting character, was supposed to take the initiative to contact the rich young master and work together to harm Leng Tianyin.

Leng Mushi lay on the bed and recalled that it seemed like they had used some kind of medicine that could suppress the manifestation of spiritual roots during the test. The medicine was provided by the young master, and she, the vicious female supporting character, was the one who administered it. For an entire month, she had to drug Leng Tianyin, making sure that she wouldn't reveal her spiritual roots on the day of the test.

Of course, in all stories, the female lead was the type who would turn the tables the more she was plotted against. This little scheme of theirs would be exposed on the spot by the female lead's future master, who would then take her in as a disciple…

That was all for later. The law was already starting to heat up, indicating that it was time for her to play her part. However, Leng Mushi lay very still, not moving.

She was annoyed. Drugging someone meant she had to do it every day, and she had to go find Leng Tianyin every day. This was even more annoying than the act of drugging itself.

Leng Mushi was torn and tangled in her heart. After a while, she suddenly sat up on the bed, pulling at her hair, messing up the bun she had just tied.

She paced around the room like a caged animal, searching for something she couldn't find. Finally, she found the food box Zhu Rong had given her last night. Opening it, she saw the Blazing Fire Beast jerky inside. It was about the thickness of a child's arm, and upon touching it, it felt as hard as a rock. It looked very chewy. She even put it in her mouth and tried it. Wow, it was perfect.

So she went back to bed, lay down neatly, bit down on the Blazing Fire Beast jerky, and prepared to brute-force her way through this plot point.

It was just soul-searing pain. It wasn't like she hadn't experienced it before, what was the big deal!

But when the pain really hit, Leng Mushi's vision went black. She curled up on the small bed, cold sweat pouring down her face like rain. Her jaw ached from biting down so hard, but the Blazing Fire Beast jerky didn't budge.

Half-dead, Leng Mushi even had time to think: No wonder Xiao Mian didn't want the jerky Zhu Rong personally made! Could a person even survive eating this thing?!

However, it was perfect for stuffing in her mouth to prevent her from biting her tongue. Leng Mushi grabbed the quilt, one of her boots had been kicked off, her clothes were in disarray, her waistband had come loose. She was in so much pain that she had to suppress her screams, which sounded like a pig being slaughtered, her face flushed red, even the corners of her eyes were so red it seemed like they would bleed.

Why did it feel several times more painful than the last time she defied the plot in front of the great demon?!



Leng Mushi's long hair completely untied, her clothes soaked with sweat. She almost lost consciousness several times, but she gritted her teeth… no, she bit down on the jerky and held on.

When the worst of it finally passed, Fenlian actually emerged from Leng Mushi's body. She hadn't fed on human blood for many days and had to expend her demon power to hide herself. Her entire being had shrunk, and she staggered as she walked. But she rushed to Leng Mushi's side with a worried look on her face and helped her to lie down on the bed, almost dislocating her arm in the process.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you like this? I didn't sense anything wrong with your body," Fenlian said. "Do you have some hidden illness?"

Leng Mushi didn't have the strength to speak. She blinked at her and whispered, "Old problem…"

Fenlian didn't know what was going on. She had come out without putting on her usual makeup, and her skin was more terrifying than a ghost's. Leng Mushi felt even more like fainting at the sight. Fortunately, Fenlian quickly burrowed back into Leng Mushi's body.

This time, the law didn't say anything like "Why bother". Instead, it sighed, almost gently, right next to Leng Mushi's ear - "Get some sleep."

Leng Mushi felt drowsy, the Blazing Fire Beast jerky, now soaked with her saliva, still clutched in her hand. It was human nature to forget pain once it was gone. Now that she had endured it, she felt that it wasn't that bad. In fact, she felt soft and comfortable all over.

She curved her lips, about to fall asleep, when there was a knock on the door.

She swallowed, thinking she had heard wrong. But soon, there was another knock, very clear. Leng Tianyin's voice came from outside, calling out.

"Sister, are you there?" Leng Tianyin asked. "It's time for lunch, shall we go to Spirit Valley Hall together? Can I come in?"

No, Leng Mushi wanted to yell at the door to go away. She was in so much pain because of this good-for-nothing, and now she didn't want to see Leng Tianyin at all!

But her teeth hurt from biting down earlier, and her throat felt torn from the suppressed screams. She didn't want to speak, but Leng Tianyin's persistence was infuriating. She kept knocking and knocking.

Leng Mushi lay down for a while to regain some strength. Leng Tianyin still hadn't left. Leng Mushi gritted her teeth and struggled to sit up, leaning against the edge of the bed. Fueled by anger, she stumbled towards the door and yanked it open - but she only managed to pull it open a crack with all her strength.

Through the gap, she saw Leng Tianyin's hateful face. She raised the Blazing Fire Beast jerky, which was harder than an iron rod, in front of her face, brandishing it like a weapon. She held it to Leng Tianyin's nose and said hoarsely, "Get lost, I'm busy…"

Leng Tianyin was startled and leaned back, her eyes widening as she stared at the Blazing Fire Beast jerky in front of her nose, her beautiful eyes almost crossing.

At that moment, the door opened a little wider, and several figures appeared along with the widening gap - it wasn't just Leng Tianyin outside, there was also Xiao Mian… and his two senior brothers, Yi Tu and Xing Zhou.

They had come to invite her to lunch together.

And Leng Mushi was leaning against the door frame, her knees weak, her face flushed, her breathing ragged as if she had just gone through three hundred rounds of intense battle. Her clothes and hair were disheveled, and she was holding a child-arm thick Blazing Fire Beast jerky, still wet with saliva… and she said she was busy.

No matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like she was busy with anything good.

Author's Notes:

Leng Mushi: Listen to my explanation, it's not what you think.

Xiao Mian, Yi Tu, Xing Zhou, Leng Tianyin: Go on, we’re listening.

Leng Mushi: … Just end me now.


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