A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

The last time Lu Xingchi's team was wiped out, a voice calling itself a system appeared in his head. The voice not only gave him a chance to be reborn, but also let him randomly draw a superpower.

Lu Xingchi drew the power to control metal.

It was no problem for him to freely change the shape of metal or control its flight trajectory.

The crossbow was the first thing Lu Xingchi made after he gained his ability.

The metal that Lu Xingchi could control now was not very large, but it was not a problem for him to make the spikes shot from the crossbow hit the target with 100% accuracy.

The system said that his ability would become stronger day by day with stimulation.

The system also said that the only condition for rebirth was to retrace the path of the previous life.

Even if the system didn't ask for this, Lu Xingchi planned to retrace his steps.

He would bring the people in the team back together and let them live again.

This time, Lu Xingchi was determined not to make the same mistakes.

Lu Xingchi closed the trunk and glanced at Bei Nuan's big head wearing a helmet.

It was so round and big that it couldn't even be covered by the back seat.

But he still let her get in the car.

She also had special abilities, could it be that she was also reborn?

Lu Xingchi didn't think so.

She acted like she didn't know him at all at first, and her personality changed drastically, like a different person.

When she saw zombies, she ran away without saying a word, faster than a rabbit.

She would put on a pitiful look like she was about to cry at any moment, but from morning till now, she had seen so many people turn into zombies with her own eyes, but she didn't shed a single tear.

I'll take her with me for now, find a safe place ahead and drop her off, Lu Xingchi told himself.

After getting back on the road, there were significantly fewer cars on the road because the highway behind was blocked.

The SUV sped forward in the warm spring sunshine, Lu Xingchi driving much faster than before.

After eating, Bei Nuan leaned back in her seat and pretended to doze off, but in fact she was sorting out her space.

She was in too much of a hurry in the morning, and the things she put into the space were all piled up in a mess.

Now she reorganized them, snacks together, rice, flour, fruits and vegetables together, daily necessities together.

All the lethal weapons that could crack people's skulls were placed in the most conspicuous place in the middle.

Neat and tidy.

Ning City was an ancient city with a thousand years of history. It was small and exquisite, with many scenic spots, and it was not far from S City, only an hour's drive away.

Not far from the highway, they saw a checkpoint.

The news of the zombie virus outbreak in S City reached Ning City as soon as possible. Ning City blocked all the main roads into the city, set up tents and set up temporary checkpoints.

The current standard was that anyone with any wounds was prohibited from entering the city.

The three of them passed the checkpoint smoothly.

There were warning signs and yellow warning lines in front of the checkpoint. Several rows of cement piers were placed across the road, and armed personnel with guns were patrolling back and forth.

Bei Nuan and Lu Xingchi exchanged glances, their thoughts were the same.

Could this thing be called a line of defense?

The yellow ribbon that was pulled was for the zombie horde to sprint at the finish line, right?

Those rows of cement piers were probably for zombies to practice hurdles.

In the original book, the chain car accidents on the S1 highway blocked the only road from S City to Ning City, buying precious hours for the people of Ning City to evacuate.

It was during these few hours that the team replenished their supplies in Ning City, which was still functioning normally.

Although there were no zombies in Ning City, there was panic everywhere.

Cars on the road lined up in long queues, many people were dragging their families and carrying large bags and small bags to evacuate, and the intersection was heavily blocked.

Everyone was irritable, and car horns blared.

Everyone was in a hurry to withdraw money. There was no one in front of the ATM. It should have been empty long ago. The bank by the road was overcrowded. The queue extended all the way outside and turned several corners.

Lu Xingchi drove the car directly to the parking lot of a large supermarket.

The supermarket was very large, with several floors up and down, and the variety of goods was quite complete.

Bei Nuan was a little distressed.

There was not much cash in the wallet she had taken from her backpack, so she couldn't buy much at all. She had to plan carefully and pick the most urgently needed items.

In fact, Bei Nuan could put anything into the space without anyone knowing it with a little movement of her fingers.

But Ning City was still normal now, except that everyone in the supermarket looked a little more solemn, it was almost no different from usual.

Bei Nuan really couldn't bring herself to do it.

While Bei Nuan was struggling, she heard Lu Xingchi's command, "Everyone go buy things separately, and gather in the parking lot in two hours."

Bei Nuan turned and ran, but the double shoulder bag on her back was grabbed from behind and carried back together with the person.

Lu Xingchi took out a card from his wallet and handed it to her.

"You swipe this. Buy food and our daily necessities. You are a girl, you are careful, you will not miss important things."

Lu Xingchi said lightly, "Swipe it as you like, buy as much as possible, this card will be a piece of plastic in a few days."

Bei Nuan immediately felt like she was being kept by a domineering CEO.

He was very prescient and absolutely right.

In a few days, the network would be paralyzed, the connection between bank branches would be cut off, and the money in the account would become a string of meaningless numbers, which could not be withdrawn at all.

Bei Nuan put away the card and pushed a shopping cart to start a crazy shopping spree.

Some of the shelves in the supermarket were already empty, and most people were snapping up food that could be stored for a long time without spoiling, such as rice, flour, oil, salt, milk powder, canned food, biscuits, instant noodles and so on.

Bei Nuan was different.

As long as she put things on the upper level of the space where time did not flow, she didn't have to worry about preservation and expiration at all.

All kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, meat, eggs and milk, all went into the shopping cart.

There were also pots and pans, bedding and pillows, even towels, toothbrushes, rolls of paper and various personal hygiene products, which filled the shopping cart to the brim.

And she didn't have to worry about how much money she spent, it was so cool.

Bei Nuan ran in and out non-stop. Every time she finished checking out, she would find a deserted corner, put the purchased items into the space, and then rush back in to buy more.

Bei Nuan happily pushed the shopping cart and scurried around in this supermarket where everyone was worried, out of tune with everyone.

The end of the world was coming, and everyone else was anxious, afraid of losing this and that.

Bei Nuan was different.

Bei Nuan should have been crushed into a pancake by a large truck, but she suddenly fell from the sky and gained this extra trip to the end of the world.

Whether she completed the mission or not, as a person who was already dead, every extra minute was a bonus.

Bei Nuan had already made up her mind to treat the zombie pile as Hawaii and enjoy every day of her life.

Bei Nuan filled up another cart and was standing on tiptoe trying to get a large board of batteries from the top shelf when she suddenly saw something wrong out of the corner of her eye.

Someone collapsed next to her.

It was a man in his forties, slowly sliding to the ground against the shelf, gasping for breath.

The sound was extremely painful, as if he was dying.

No way?

Could it be that the unreliable system had moved the time forward again? Zombies had appeared in Ning City now?

The man curled up, gasping for breath with difficulty.

Many people around also noticed the strangeness, and they all dodged back. The shelf, which was full of people just now, suddenly had a large empty space.

This was Ning City, no one had ever seen a zombie mutate, and they all stood in a circle watching from afar.

Bei Nuan was a little speechless.

If this was normal, shouldn't they call an ambulance? If this was a zombie, shouldn't they run away?

What was the point of watching the fun?

Bei Nuan was about to run when she saw Lu Xingchi.

He was walking towards her, squeezing through the crowd, his eyes falling on the man sitting there.

Bei Nuan saw at a glance that as he squeezed in, he was holding a knife in his hand, the cold blade pressed against the back of his forearm.

According to the setting in the book, Big Boss Lu had a weapon in his hand, let alone a single zombie, even two more would not be a problem at all.

Bei Nuan's heart immediately relaxed.

Then a very bold idea came to her mind.

Bei Nuan pounced on the man.

Holding up the man's tilted head, Bei Nuan looked at the circle of onlookers pleadingly.

"Someone help him, can someone come and help him?"

She held the man, her pure and innocent little face on top of the cervical spine treatment instrument, her clear eyes filled with tears, like an angel who had fallen into the mortal world.

Her pure gaze silently swept over everyone watching.

It was a scourge of human nature, an indictment of indifference.

The onlookers fell into deep self-reproach.

Lu Xingchi, who had squeezed in to kill, "…"

The process of the man's transformation from falling to the ground to becoming a zombie was quite long, longer than anyone else he had seen today, and it felt like there was plenty of time to say the line for the Holy Mother's Voice mission.

Bei Nuan recited her lines word for word.

After finishing her work, Bei Nuan threw the man down and was about to retreat.

But she suddenly found a strange thing, on the left side of the task bar, the Holy Mother's Voice "Save him" task was still (0/1).

Huh? It wasn't completed?


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