A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

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Chapter 61: Chapter 61

The next morning, Bei Nuan was gently awakened by Dan Sui.

“Holy Maiden Jiade? Holy Maiden Jiade?”

Her voice wasn't loud, but she persisted relentlessly. Bei Nuan had no choice but to open her eyes.

Being a Holy Mother isn't easy, she thought. What time is it? It's just barely light out. The birds aren't even awake yet, and I have to get up and work?

Seeing Bei Nuan awake, Dan Sui hurried out to have someone bring in water.

Lu Xingchi seemed to have been up for a while, standing by the window, watching the first rays of dawn on the distant horizon.

He walked back, smiling. “‘Holy Maiden Jiade.’ This is the name Jia Han gave you, right? ‘Fake Holy Maiden.’ Doesn't it sound strange? It's better to be called ‘True Holy Maiden.’”

“You mean Joan of Arc?” Bei Nuan asked.

Lu Xingchi thought for a moment. “Joan of Arc? That name is not bad. I think it sounds much better.”

Even Lu Xingchi didn't know her; it seemed their world really didn't have a Joan of Arc.

Bei Nuan seemed to recall something. The map of this book was large and crude. The area that should have been Europe wasn't divided into several small countries but was a unified empire. The author probably wanted to create an alternate history but was too lazy to elaborate.

England and France were gone, and Joan of Arc was gone with them.

Bei Nuan got out of bed, raised her arms, and stretched languidly.

Lu Xingchi quickly took a step back, as if afraid she would touch him while stretching.

Bei Nuan also suddenly remembered her superpowered finger.

Fortunately, she didn't touch him; otherwise, if Big Boss Lu suddenly started speaking his mind, it would be an impossible situation.

Dan Sui entered with people carrying water. Bei Nuan got off the bed and, with a glance, noticed that Lu Xingchi's bedding showed no signs of having been slept in.

Bei Nuan was a little puzzled, wondering how he had slept last night.

But perhaps he had the good habit of tidying up his bed after getting up; he was always very organized.

While Bei Nuan washed up, Dan Sui stood beside her like a CEO's secretary, reporting on the day's schedule.

“Holy Maiden, you need to go out first and lead everyone to worship the Water God. Then come back and have breakfast prepared by the small kitchen. After breakfast, you will go with Chief Jia Han to divine today's fortune, deciding what the entire tribe can do and cannot do today.”

Being a Holy Maiden was quite a busy job.

Not letting people sleep in, making them get up early to worship the Water God, it felt like mandatory morning exercises.

“How do we worship the Water God later?” Bei Nuan, of course, had no idea.

Dan Sui smiled. “Holy Maiden, don't worry. Just follow Chief Jia Han.”

Dan Sui brought Bei Nuan a new set of clothes.

This time, it wasn't the separate white top and trousers but a long dress like the one Ya Wen wore.

The fabric was soft, the workmanship exquisite, much better than the set she was given yesterday.

Seeing that she was about to change, Lu Xingchi automatically and consciously went out, much to Dan Sui's surprise: These two slept together at night, but they actually avoid each other for changing clothes.

Dan Sui helped Bei Nuan change and then brought a veil.

The veil was quite thick and heavy.

“Do I have to wear this?” Bei Nuan felt a bit distressed.

This thing was like a mask; wouldn't it hinder breathing?

“This is what the prophecy said, that you must wear it,” Dan Sui explained. “It says that the veil can help the Holy Maiden avert misfortune.”

Dan Sui then brought a small makeup box and took out a bunch of thick and thin brushes, clearly mascara and eyeliner, and was about to apply them to Bei Nuan's eyes.

Bei Nuan was speechless. “Is this also in the prophecy?”

Dan Sui calmly replied, “It says that the Holy Maiden must heavily paint her eyebrows and eyes to turn bad luck into good fortune.”

Bei Nuan: “…”

No wonder Ya Wen's makeup was so strange.

Bei Nuan's eyelashes were already long and thick. Dan Sui applied the mascara heavily, layer upon layer, like painting a wall.

Her eyelashes suddenly felt two pounds heavier, two black fans appearing on her eyelids, so heavy that she could barely open her eyes.

Dan Sui was still not satisfied and heavily applied eyeliner, extended the corners of her eyes, and added layers of eyeshadow, as if creating a smoky eye look.

Finally, she combed Bei Nuan's hair again, leaving some down and braiding the rest into intricate patterns.

While waiting for Dan Sui to work on her hair, Bei Nuan, out of boredom, took a band-aid from her space.

She wrapped her right index finger with the band-aid and poked Dan Sui's waist.

Dan Sui laughed. “Holy Maiden, what are you doing?”

After laughing, she continued to work seriously on Bei Nuan's hair, showing no sign of speaking her true thoughts.

It seemed the band-aid worked.

When Bei Nuan was finally ready, wrapped in a long dress, trailing a veil, her eye sockets like a panda's, and fluttering two large black eyelashes, Lu Xingchi softly chuckled.

Bei Nuan narrowed her eyes threateningly and asked him, “Not pretty?”

The corners of Lu Xingchi's mouth curved upwards, and he bowed. “The Holy Maiden's beauty is heaven-sent, unparalleled in the world.”

His tone was incredibly sincere, making it obvious that he was lying.

After bowing, Lu Xingchi noticed Bei Nuan's bandaged finger and asked, “Is your finger injured?”

Bei Nuan had anticipated this question and nodded solemnly. “There's no wound, but for some reason, it felt a little sore when I woke up this morning. I think it's more comfortable to have it bandaged.”

Bei Nuan was afraid that Lu Xingchi would ask her to open the band-aid to see what was wrong, and even more afraid that he would touch it in his excitement.

However, Lu Xingchi showed no intention of looking, standing far away as if avoiding it. He nodded. “Then keep it bandaged. It's good to have it bandaged.”

Clutching her bandaged finger, Bei Nuan thought, If nothing unexpected happens, I should be able to leave after interrogating Ya Wen.

However, Ya Wen was not there.

Only Jia Han and Bei Nuan were present for the Water God worship ceremony.

Beside the open space where Bei Nuan was held yesterday, there was an altar. Behind the altar was a sizable wooden house. The door was now open, revealing the Water God enshrined inside.

Everyone in the tribe gathered in the open space.

Seeing Bei Nuan appear behind Jia Han, no one was surprised. The news of the true Holy Maiden's appearance had spread throughout the tribe overnight.

So many people had witnessed Bei Nuan with the holy monkey sitting on her head in the firelight; it couldn't be fake.

Therefore, as soon as Bei Nuan appeared, everyone bowed to her, even more devoutly than when they worshipped Ya Wen.

The appearance of the true Holy Maiden meant that Ya Wen was a fake. Everyone was speculating about Ya Wen's future.

Ya Wen's absence from the morning ceremony seemed to be a signal, further confirming the rumors.

Seeing Bei Nuan arrive, Jia Han smiled slightly, performed a salute, and then presided over the ceremony with Bei Nuan, worshipping and making offerings.

It wasn't difficult at all.

Jia Han performed each step slowly, waiting for Bei Nuan to follow, as if he had infinite patience.

The slow and solemn rhythm of the ceremony seemed to be imbued with special meaning in the eyes of the tribespeople.

Bei Nuan noticed that many people didn't leave after the ceremony ended.

They stood by the road leading back to Bei Nuan's room, hoping to receive the new Holy Maiden's blessing.

Dan Sui whispered to Bei Nuan, “Originally, the Holy Maiden's blessing was only needed at birth and death. But now they all believe you are the true Holy Maiden, so the blessings Ya Wen gave before don't count. They need your true blessing.”

Bei Nuan didn't understand. “How do I bless them?”

Jia Han, walking ahead, heard this and turned back to instruct Bei Nuan, “You just need to touch their foreheads with the tip of your right index finger.”

Right hand, and the index finger?

Bei Nuan thought that using her bandaged finger to give blessings didn't feel very solemn.

But she couldn't remove the band-aid.

If she removed the band-aid and used this finger to bless everyone, the current polite and reserved atmosphere of the tribe would probably collapse.

Bei Nuan extended her left hand. “My right hand is injured. Is the left hand okay?”

Jia Han was stunned for a moment, then conceded, “Of course. The Holy Maiden can use whichever finger she wishes.”

The tribe's men, women, old, and young waited devoutly by the roadside.

Amidst a sea of expectant gazes, Bei Nuan touched their foreheads one by one, and those she touched bowed deeply.

Among the crowd, a little boy, after being touched by Bei Nuan, suddenly spoke.

“Holy Maiden, will the end of the world really come?”

His eyes were innocent, earnestly awaiting Bei Nuan's answer, filled with infinite trust in her.

“No, there is no end of the world,” Bei Nuan bent down to comfort him. “This zombie virus outbreak, although terrifying, is not the first, nor will it be the last. Haven't we survived every time?”

She was absolutely right.

Earthquakes, storms, plagues, famines. For thousands of years, humanity had stumbled and struggled, surviving every time.

Lu Xingchi was following not far behind. Bei Nuan glanced at him discreetly; her Saintess Points increased.

“Then Holy Maiden, will you really save us all?” The little boy looked at Bei Nuan expectantly.

Bei Nuan hesitated for a moment.

She desperately wanted to say that no one could save them, only they could save themselves.

Unfortunately, these were not words a Holy Maiden should say.

Countless eyes fell upon Bei Nuan, filled with anticipation. In these difficult and desperate times, they placed all their hope on this ethereal faith.

Bei Nuan finally smiled gently at the little boy and promised him, “Yes, I will definitely save you.”

Lu Xingchi looked deeply at Bei Nuan.

Bei Nuan looked deeply at her Saintess Points.

They increased again.

Having lied to so many people, Bei Nuan felt a little guilty. She subconsciously clenched her hand, grateful that she was immune to the "absolute truthfulness" effect, not having to tell the truth, otherwise, her Holy Maiden image would have crumbled on the spot.

Hearing Bei Nuan's words, everyone by the roadside bowed deeply to her.

Bei Nuan continued touching foreheads like playing whack-a-mole, but in her mind, she was wondering, Where did Ya Wen go?

Could she have gone out to find the mysterious person again?

After such a big incident last night, she's still thinking about finding the mysterious person? What a positive attitude.

As she neared the end of the road, someone suddenly rushed over.

It was a middle-aged woman with messy, unkempt hair. Although she also wore white clothes, they were dirty.

“Holy Maiden!” She rushed to Bei Nuan and suddenly knelt down.

Bei Nuan was startled.

“Holy Maiden, I never believed in that Ya Wen. I knew you were the true Holy Maiden who could save us!”

Seeing her startling Bei Nuan, someone next to her quickly pulled her up, explaining to Bei Nuan, “Holy Maiden, don't be afraid. This is Zhi Min Sao Zi. Her husband and two children were bitten by zombies, and she's become a little crazy. Chief Jia Han took pity on her being alone outside and brought her into our tribe. It's alright.”

Zhi Min Sao Zi, despite being pulled, refused to get up, looking up at Bei Nuan with pleading eyes.

“Holy Maiden, you will definitely save everyone, right? You will save my children, right?”

But hadn't her children already turned into zombies?

Her gaze was fervent, filled with trust, waiting for Bei Nuan's answer.

Bei Nuan's heart softened, and she replied, “If I can, I will definitely save them.”

Hearing this, Zhi Min Sao Zi was finally relieved, prostrating herself on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

Lu Xingchi, behind her, stepped forward, shielding Bei Nuan like a celebrity's bodyguard, separating the approaching crowd. “The Holy Maiden has other matters to attend to.”

He protected her as they made their way through the crowd, then whispered, “Bei Nuan, don't get too into character. You're not really a Holy Maiden; you don't have to promise them anything.”

He was right.

Just play the Holy Maiden for these two and a half days; no need to overthink it.

Bei Nuan immediately put the matter behind her and started thinking about today's breakfast.

Breakfast was indeed superb, with no trace of cassava, and even a portion of flavorful curry chicken.

Bei Nuan sent everyone away, eating with Lu Xingchi, thinking that if she had to stay for a few more days, she must bring Du Ruo over as an attendant.

Good food must be shared, or rather, fought over, with Du Ruo to be truly enjoyable.

After breakfast, it was time for divination.

The divination took place at Jia Han's residence. Bei Nuan, led by Secretary Dan, walked towards it. Before they arrived, they encountered Ya Wen.

Even though she was wearing a veil, revealing only half of her face, Bei Nuan could see the smugness on her face.

She saw Bei Nuan too, sized up her new attire, took two steps closer, and surprisingly bowed to Bei Nuan.

Dan Sui behind her immediately became angry.

She whispered to Bei Nuan, “The meaning of that bow is, ‘You are my junior and should heed my teachings in the future.’”

Understood. Provocation disguised as a greeting.

Although Bei Nuan still hadn't figured out these complicated customs, it didn't matter.

Bei Nuan returned the bow in kind, but her fingers formed a strange gesture.

Ya Wen, having lived in this tribe for so many years, was familiar with every gesture of greeting, but Bei Nuan's gesture was something she had never seen before.

Ya Wen frowned. “What kind of gesture is that? Wanting to be the Holy Maiden, yet you don't even know how to bow properly…”

Bei Nuan calmly replied, “This bowing gesture is my own creation. It means, you are my junior, but I don't even want to give you any teachings because you are simply too annoying.”

Ya Wen, having been burned by Xiu Ye's evil fire, was gasping for breath.

“Just you wait,” she said slowly, through gritted teeth. “I'll have someone deal with you.”

Bei Nuan thought, It seems she has brought reinforcements.

No wonder she went out early this morning.

I wonder what kind of deity her reinforcements are to make her so bold.

However, right at the entrance of Jia Han's residence, Jia Han and a group of leading elders were standing there, waiting for them to arrive for the divination. Ya Wen suppressed her anger and walked towards them ahead of Bei Nuan.

Bei Nuan was not in a hurry and didn't compete with her, smilingly following behind.

Jia Han, along with the others, took a few steps forward and bowed to the two of them.

Everyone else quickly followed suit.

Bei Nuan had already seen that next to Jia Han's room, there was a small statue of the Water God. On the wooden table in front of it was a bamboo tube filled with bamboo sticks.

Ya Wen swaggered past Jia Han and the others, heading straight inside.

The timing was perfect. Bei Nuan, following behind her, pulled off the band-aid on her finger and touched Ya Wen's back.

“Holy Maiden Ya Wen, aren't you going to wait for the Chief?” Bei Nuan asked sincerely in a low voice.

It was a very ordinary question, nothing wrong with it at all.

Ya Wen glanced back, her voice loud and natural, answering fluently, “Jia Han? Why wait for him? He's just frigid. After so many years, I've tried so hard but couldn't sleep with him. Now I don't want to waste any more time on him.”

Everyone heard it.

Every jaw dropped.

What did they just hear???

The two women following Ya Wen looked at her in alarm and called out together, “Holy Maiden?”

Ya Wen herself covered her mouth under the veil, her eyes widening in disbelief.

But the three minutes weren't up yet. Even if no one asked, her mouth would continue to chatter uncontrollably.

“Those attendants are alright, but I'm tired of them. I'll get some fresh ones in a couple of days.”

Her pronunciation was clear, her voice loud, as if afraid others wouldn't hear.

The scene was dead silent.

Even if her status as Holy Maiden was already in name only, she couldn't disgrace the tribe's reputation like this. Jia Han stepped forward and instructed the two women following Ya Wen, “Ya Wen is ill. Take her back to rest.”

For the first time, he addressed her as just Ya Wen in public, without adding “Holy Maiden,” as if he felt that putting “Ya Wen” and “Holy Maiden” together was a disgrace to the tribe.

The two women immediately stepped forward and supported Ya Wen's arms, leading her away. Ya Wen herself was also panicked, knowing she had to leave.

Her feet followed them, but her mouth was out of control.

“Jia Han, just you wait! You're biased towards that new Holy Maiden. I've already found someone. You'll both have your comeuppance.”

Saying this was equivalent to a complete falling out with Chief Jia Han.

Jia Han didn't seem angry, his expression calm, only a hint of worry between his brows.

After they led Ya Wen away, Jia Han calmly said to Bei Nuan, “Holy Maiden, please divine today's fortune.”

Bei Nuan smiled happily at him, bowed to the Water God, and drew a stick from the bamboo tube.

Someone took it, checked it against a chart, and returned, excitedly announcing, “Today is extremely auspicious, suitable for all endeavors.”

The entire tribe was immersed in the joyous atmosphere of an auspicious day, and all the house-building activities that required choosing a good day, like erecting pillars and beams, were scheduled.

Bei Nuan's luck was good, drawing an extremely auspicious sign for everyone. Today's Holy Maiden duties were successfully completed, and she returned to rest with Secretary Dan.

However, before noon, Jia Han sent someone to summon Bei Nuan, saying that a distinguished guest had arrived.

Bei Nuan was curious. “What distinguished guest?”

The messenger scratched his head. “It's someone from outside. They've been to our tribe before, always bringing things, saying it's aid or something. They're quite familiar with the Chief and Holy Maiden Ya Wen.”

Lu Xingchi couldn't accompany her for this kind of meeting with outsiders. Bei Nuan went to Jia Han's residence with only Dan Sui.

Just as she reached the door, Bei Nuan heard a familiar voice from inside.

It was a male voice.

The tone was uninhibited and languid, as if every word uttered was a gift to others, every sentence laced with obvious mockery.

As if he held no one in the world in regard.

He was saying, “A new Holy Maiden? What's she like? I must meet her.”

Bei Nuan's heart skipped a beat.

Huo Ren.

Bei Nuan's first reaction was to turn and run.

This man was unpredictable, acted completely irrationally, and treated human life like grass. Bei Nuan didn't want to spend another minute near him.

But Dan Sui beside her had already exchanged greetings with the guards at the door, announcing in a clear voice, “Holy Maiden Jiade has arrived.”

Bei Nuan quickly assessed the situation.

Her hairstyle and clothes were completely different, her face covered with a thick veil, revealing only her eyes, which were heavily made up. He probably wouldn't recognize her.

Huo Ren wasn't very familiar with Bei Nuan.

From their first encounter by the river, when Huo Ren shot the boat owner, they had exchanged only one sentence. Then, on the boat to the other side, he sat far away, only glancing at Bei Nuan once.

Later, at the Ninth Prison, he called Bei Nuan over to watch him "fish for zombies" at the gate. Their actual close contact time added up to less than half an hour.

She could take a gamble.

Bei Nuan steeled herself and walked in.

As expected, Huo Ren was leaning comfortably in a wooden armchair, his long legs stretched out casually, still with that cynical demeanor, his thin lips curled in disdain.

Seeing Bei Nuan enter, he glanced at her attire, showing no particular reaction.

Thankfully for the veil and the heavy makeup.

The prophecy was right; this thing could really help the Holy Maiden avert misfortune.

Bei Nuan lowered her eyes, deliberately using her fan-like eyelashes to shield her gaze.

Upon entering, Bei Nuan saw clearly that besides Huo Ren, there was another familiar person.

Zhen Zhen was also there.


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