A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Back in the SUV, Du Ruo wondered, "That little girl was strange, wasn’t she? Do you think she saw the zombies, got too scared, and went crazy?"

Lu Xingchi started the car, his tone casual. "Very likely."

After getting off the highway, they found the provincial road was under construction. It was dug up halfway, full of potholes, and impossible to drive on.

The SUV, with the little yellow car in tow, had to go around the construction, which led them to a village. To move forward, they had to pass through it.

They weren't the only ones with this idea.

The entrance to the village was an open space, now a makeshift parking lot, packed with dozens of vehicles, all coming off the highway.

The cars were stuck, and a large crowd was gathered under the big tree at the village entrance.

Bei Nuan immediately spotted a familiar face.

It was the tattooed big brother with the floral arm, the one who owned the auto repair shop and drove the van. His buddies were standing next to him.

They also saw Bei Nuan and greeted her enthusiastically.

Bei Nuan went over to ask what was going on. It turned out that the village road was built with funds raised by the villagers themselves, so they were charging a toll.

"So many cars need to pass, it might damage the village road. It makes sense to charge five or ten yuan as a toll," the tattooed brother said. "But now they're saying they want three hundred per car."

A driver in front corrected him, "It was three hundred just now, now it's up to five hundred!"

Raising the price on the spot, taking advantage of the chaos.

On the side of the road, groups of village women stood, cracking melon seeds and watching the commotion.

They said with a smirk, "Hurry up and pay the five hundred while you still can. Who knows, maybe it'll be five thousand in a bit."

They were right. Cars kept coming off the highway, with nowhere else to go, they all ended up here, filling the open space.

The tattooed brother couldn't help but persuade them, "The city is in chaos, many people are infected, and you're still here collecting money? Shouldn't you be running?"

"You can say whatever you want, but we won't let you pass for free." The women burst into laughter.

Bei Nuan thought: So many people gathered together is definitely not a good thing. It's better to get through quickly.

The cars in front weren't moving, so neither could Bei Nuan and the others.

They squeezed past the haphazardly parked cars and reached the village entrance, only to see it blocked by villagers, a group of them collecting money.

Many people didn't have five hundred yuan in cash and could only transfer money, which made the process extremely slow.

A couple was trying to transfer money, but it wouldn't go through.

Bei Nuan knew that the zombie virus was seeping into every corner of S City, the city was collapsing, and some banks were no longer operating.

The couple was getting desperate.

"We left in a hurry and only have over three hundred yuan in cash. Can you please make an exception?"

A villager-looking man stood in front of the car, arms crossed, pointing his chin at a silver BMW that had just passed.

"Look at that rich guy, he paid five hundred without blinking. If you can't afford it, step aside and let the cars behind you pass!"

Next to him stood a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, striking the same pose as his father.

The boy also crossed his arms, a smaller version of his father. "Step aside! Let the cars behind you pass!"

"Please, just help us out!" The woman pleaded.

The villager stretched out his hand and shoved the woman aside. "Go, go, go!"

The boy also reached out and pushed them. "Go, go, go!"

"How can you hit people?"

The husband saw his wife stumble from their push, his eyes turning red. But the villagers blocking the road outnumbered them, so he didn't dare fight back.

This was a chance to earn Holy Mother points falling from the sky.

Absolutely not to be missed.

Bei Nuan had a wallet in her backpack with cash in it. She immediately reached for it.

Just as she took out the wallet, the tattooed brother who had followed them took out two hundred-yuan bills and slapped them into the man's hand, his tone fierce.

"What do you think you're doing? I'll pay the two hundred for them! Let them pass, quickly!"

Bei Nuan fell silent.

He totally stole her line.

Bei Nuan took out five hundred yuan and whispered to the tattooed brother, "Brother, you helped them with their fare. If anyone else doesn't have enough money later, can I cover it?"

Her attitude was sincere, like two street vendors peacefully competing for business.

The tattooed brother: "…"

"How much did it cost to build this road?" Lu Xingchi's cold voice came from behind.

He had an aura of authority, and the man blocking the road didn't dare ignore him. He hesitated for a moment before answering, "Well, it cost a lot… It cost, um… ten… twenty… over thirty thousand."

A few hundred meters of cement road, alright.

Lu Xingchi said coldly, "I'll give you forty thousand. I'll buy this road."

Bei Nuan understood what he meant.

Money was no object to him. The cars were all blocked at the village entrance, and to get the cars in front to clear the way quickly, Lu Xingchi's SUV needed to pass as soon as possible.

Bei Nuan regretted not having forty thousand to throw around.

If only she did, how many Holy Mother points would she have earned?

The man was stunned by Lu Xingchi's words. After a long pause, he finally said, "Are you serious? Well, forty thousand is not enough, at least…"

Before he could finish, a loud bang suddenly came from the village.

The silver BMW, which hadn't driven far, suddenly crashed head-on into the brick wall of a house, collapsing half of it.

A few seconds later, the car door opened amidst the red brick debris, and a man crawled out of the driver's seat.

It was a middle-aged man.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he stood up shakily, his hands clenched into fists in front of him, mimicking the motion of turning a steering wheel. "Beep, beep… honk, honk…"

Bei Nuan glanced at him and turned to run.

He had turned.

Everyone who had escaped S City knew what was going on, and they scattered in all directions.

The villagers blocking the road were still standing there, clueless. "What are you running for? Why is everyone running? Don't you want to pass?"

Before long, screams and chaos erupted behind Bei Nuan.

Bei Nuan didn't look back and ran straight for the SUV. Lu Xingchi would definitely come back for the crossbow first, and staying with him was the safest option, much safer than hiding in the surrounding fields and woods.

As expected, Lu Xingchi followed closely behind her. Seeing her running towards the SUV, he smiled slightly, opened the car door, and took out the crossbow.

In just a short while, the villagers who were blocking the village entrance had all turned into zombies.

Bei Nuan immediately spotted the man who had blocked the road and his son.

The man had turned into a zombie, his hand still clutching a wad of cash, groaning and rushing towards them, as if saying with a raspy voice, "Pay up! Pay up!"

The teenage boy had also turned into a zombie, his movements still mimicking his father's.

Lu Xingchi calmly took aim with the crossbow and fired, instantly taking down a group of them.

The infection continued to spread, the virus rapidly engulfing the entire village. There were simply too many of them.

"We need to go," Lu Xingchi said to Du Ruo.

But the SUV and the little yellow car were stuck among a pile of other vehicles, unable to get out.

They had no choice but to abandon the cars and flee on foot.

Lu Xingchi grabbed his bag and took a couple of steps. Noticing that Bei Nuan hadn't followed, he turned around and asked, "Aren't you coming?"

The big boss didn't abandon Bei Nuan this time.

Bei Nuan was deeply moved and quickly put on her backpack. "Coming."

Lu Xingchi held back another wave of the horde, preventing the zombies from getting close. People seized the opportunity to escape.

Amidst the chaos, everyone's attention was on the approaching zombies. Bei Nuan took the chance to sneak back to the SUV, circle around it, and then绕过横七竖八乱停的各种车子, catch up with them.

With Lu Xingchi around, no "one" could get close.

As they retreated to the side of the road, Bei Nuan spotted a small yellow dog tied to a telephone pole.

It belonged to someone in the village, and amidst the screams, it was whimpering in fear, its black eyes wide with terror, desperately trying to break free from the rope.

The rope was tied too tightly, and its struggles only caused it to cut into its neck. It couldn't break free no matter how hard it tried.

Bei Nuan quickly went over to help untie the rope. "Run!"

If it didn't run, it would soon become zombie food.

As soon as the rope was untied, the dog shot off like an arrow, disappearing into the weeds by the roadside.

Bei Nuan heard a "Wahahaha" in her ear, her Holy Mother points had increased again.

Lu Xingchi was speechless. "At a time like this, you're worried about saving a dog?"

"What's wrong with that?" Bei Nuan retorted. "It's still a child!"

Bei Nuan emphasized to him seriously, "This time I'm absolutely not mistaken, it's definitely a puppy, a baby dog!"

Lu Xingchi: "…"

Bei Nuan brought up her task bar, and it showed: Holy Mother's Voice "Child" task (2/2) completed. A small white halo with a five-hour countdown appeared in the upper right corner of her vision.


The three of them fought and retreated, and by the time they reached the uncultivated fields outside the village, no more zombies were following them.

They bypassed the village and climbed back onto the main road from the roadbed. They had successfully passed through the village, but unfortunately, they had no car.

"How are we going to get to Ning City without a car?" Du Ruo asked.

Lu Xingchi replied, "At a time like this, there should be abandoned cars on the road. We'll walk along the road and try to find one."

Bei Nuan cleared her throat.

"Lu Xingchi, I have a way."

Lu Xingchi and Du Ruo both looked at her.

Du Ruo chuckled. "Little robot, what way could you possibly have? Build one on the spot?"

Bei Nuan blinked. "Close your eyes, and no peeking. I'll count to three, and then you can open them."

"One, two, three."


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