A Fake Holy Mother in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapters List

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Today, when Du Ruo went to help the boy hanging on the door, his girlfriend scratched him like crazy, and he immediately started bleeding.

Because the scratch wasn't deep, Du Ruo didn't take it seriously and just applied some antiseptic ointment.

Lu Xingchi and Jiang Fei clearly thought of the same thing, and everyone fell silent at the same time.

Lu Xingchi spoke first, pointing to the two on the ground, and asked Bei Nuan, "Do you have gloves? Plastic bags will also work. I also need a flashlight. I want to see their wounds."

Hope suddenly rose in Bei Nuan's heart.

That's right, if the boy was injured and mutated first, nothing would have happened to Du Ruo.

Bei Nuan knew very well that just outside the back door, she heard the man's screams, which sounded like he was being attacked by his girlfriend at the time.

But having hope is better than having none.

However, the result was disappointing.

The flashlight revealed several obvious scratches on the girl's exposed ankle, which had already scabbed over. The boy's injuries were fresh and were all on his head and neck.

It was obvious that the girl had been scratched on the ankle by a zombie, mutated at night, and attacked her boyfriend.

Lu Xingchi stood up, took off his gloves, and said to the Jiangdong Gang leader, "It's all right here. We want to leave."

The Jiangdong Gang leader looked embarrassed.

He had seen with his own eyes that Lu Xingchi had instantly killed the mutated zombie with just a crossbow, and he was reluctant to let such a powerful person leave easily.

"Why don't you wait until tomorrow morning and discuss it with everyone…"

Lu Xingchi interrupted him, "Our people were scratched by these two people during the day. We have to leave."

Du Ruo frankly raised his right hand to show everyone the scratches on the back of his hand.

The Jiangdong Gang leader dared not speak again.

He couldn't take the responsibility of keeping them.

If they mutated, it would be a big problem.

The Jiangdong Gang leader quickly called the other leaders over.

This time, everyone's opinions were surprisingly consistent, and the decision was made very quickly. Lu Xingchi and his group were respectfully escorted to the back door.

Everyone was a little moved that Lu Xingchi and the others exiled themselves so as not to implicate everyone else.

The Jiangdong Gang leader looked at Du Ruo sympathetically and said to Lu Xingchi, "When things are okay, you are welcome to come back anytime."

The Jiangxi Gang leader also said to Bei Nuan, "No matter where you are, you are the leader of our Ninth Prison Shelter."

The Student Gang leader nodded in agreement.

Bei Nuan thought, yes, you can't choose anyone else anyway.

Bei Nuan waved to them and said sincerely, "Don't bother seeing us off. It's so late. Go back to sleep quickly."

The main reason was that if they didn't go back quickly, Bei Nuan wouldn't be able to take out the SUV.

The back door finally creaked closed behind them, and everyone got into the car.

The SUV drove forward in the fresh spring night air, with faint waves of flower fragrance, and the Ninth Prison Shelter gradually disappeared from sight.

No one spoke in the car.

Bei Nuan couldn't quite understand it.

How could Du Ruo be scratched? There was no such plot in the book.

In the original book, he was alive and kicking until the end.

Looking back, ever since they stood on the embankment of the collapsed railway bridge outside Ning City and looked back, the plot had gone in a strange direction.

They returned to the small restaurant and found someone killing and silencing others, hearing something about a "zombie virus suppressant."

Then they accidentally entered a supermarket they hadn't entered before, encountered Zhou Cang killing people, and stayed in the supermarket for another night.

The timeline kept falling behind.

Then they arrived at the riverside a day later than originally planned, and unfortunately, they ran into Huo Ren and his group at the riverside, and ended up in this Ninth Prison Shelter, which was not mentioned in the book.

Then Du Ruo got injured.

It was like a long row of dominoes, one wrong move, and they all fell down one after another.

Bei Nuan called Little Three in her mind, who hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Little Three, will Du Ruo turn into a zombie? Will he die?"

Little Three's answer was as Bei Nuan expected. He said apologetically, "No spoilers."

Bei Nuan sighed deeply.

Little Three tentatively asked, "Bei Nuan, there's a new mission. Do you want to do it?"


Bei Nuan turned off the interface, not in the mood to see what the new mission was.

"It might not be a problem."

Bei Nuan thought for a while, turned around, and leaned on the back of the seat to talk to Du Ruo behind her.

"She scratched you before she turned, and it was a scratch with her nails, not a bite. Maybe you're not infected at all."

Du Ruo smiled at her from the back seat. "I like hearing that. I'll take your word for it."

He knocked on Lu Xingchi's seat and asked seriously, "Should I tie myself up? I'm afraid I'll suddenly mutate and bite you."

Lu Xingchi didn't even turn his head. "No need. Don't you believe how fast I am?"

"What do you think?" Lu Xingchi looked at Jiang Fei in the rearview mirror.

"There's nothing to think about."

Jiang Fei replied indifferently.

"I remember that day when I was dying, I was lying there, covered in blood, unable to see anything. I only heard an old man next to me saying that he was going to throw me out. Du Ruo argued with him, saying that the old man was already that age and wouldn't live for many more days, so he should be thrown out instead."

Bei Nuan remembered that day at the farmhouse restaurant, when Du Ruo argued with everyone for Jiang Fei, calling himself a thousand-year-old goblin, and couldn't help but smile.

Jiang Fei continued, "Lu Xingchi, if you don't want to continue taking Du Ruo with us, I'll get off with him."

His words greatly surprised Bei Nuan.

This person looked gentle and refined, sometimes speaking strangely, making it hard to understand what he was thinking, but he was quite loyal.

And as if deliberately opposing Lu Xingchi, every time he felt that Lu Xingchi was going to leave someone behind, he would firmly express that he would also stay.

Lu Xingchi actually smiled, showing no intention of stopping the car and kicking them out.

Du Ruo thought for a moment. "Actually, you can find a place with lots of zombies and leave me there. With my wisdom, I might become the overlord of the zombie world, command the zombie army to destroy you humans, and unify the world."

Lu Xingchi was a little speechless. "Listen to yourself. You haven't even turned into a zombie yet, and you've already switched sides?"

"I'm telling you, becoming a zombie is not necessarily a bad thing," Du Ruo said seriously. "Maybe it's standing on the winning side at the last moment. Besides, if you're not a zombie, how can you know the joy of being a zombie?"

Bei Nuan turned to Lu Xingchi and said, "I think he's fine. Look how much he's talking."

Lu Xingchi agreed.

Du Ruo probably felt that his remaining time was short and was making the most of every minute to do what he considered most important.

"Bei Nuan, I want to eat hazelnut chocolate."

"Bei Nuan, I want that dried cranberry from last time."

"Bei Nuan, are there any wasabi peas left?"

Bei Nuan was a little surprised that he didn't ask for his favorite beef jerky and fish fillets.

Bei Nuan took out a bag of original flavored dried beef and handed it to him. "Do you want this?"

"No," Du Ruo refused. "I guess I'll only like meat in the future, so I have to hurry up and eat some vegetarian food now."

The car drove forward, and the road became more and more remote.

There was a large slope beside the road, covered with bamboo, and the long bamboo leaves rustled in the evening wind.

Jiang Fei looked out the window and whispered, "It's almost time to dig spring bamboo shoots. When I was young, there was such a bamboo forest on the hill behind my grandmother's house. In spring, my grandmother would take me to dig fresh bamboo shoots."

His words reminded Du Ruo.

"Is it delicious? Let's go dig some too?"

He was in a special situation now, and every word he said sounded like a last word. No one would refuse his request, and Lu Xingchi immediately pulled over.

Everyone turned on their flashlights and searched for bamboo shoots in the dark bamboo forest.

It had just rained during the day, and the ground was still a little damp. There were new shoots poking out of the soil everywhere, patch after patch.

The engineer shovel bought from the outdoor store was very useful, and everyone worked together to dig up quite a few.

Bei Nuan simply set up a table outside the bamboo forest, turned on the light, and let Jiang Fei remove the roots and peel the bamboo shoots on the spot.

The fresh bamboo shoot meat peeled from the bamboo shoots was white and tender, looking very tempting.

Du Ruo consulted Jiang, the spring bamboo shoot expert, Fei, "How do you cook this to make it delicious?"

Jiang Fei smiled. "Such fresh bamboo shoots are delicious no matter how you cook them, but I like my grandmother's Yan Du Xian the most."

"Then let's make Yan Du Xian?" Du Ruo's eyes lit up.

Jiang Fei agreed, cut the processed bamboo shoots into pieces, and asked Bei Nuan for pork ribs, salted pork, and dried bean curd knots.

After soaking the salted pork and dried bean curd knots, and blanching the bamboo shoots and pork ribs in hot water, Jiang Fei put all the ingredients into the pot, turned down the heat, and smiled at Bei Nuan, "It needs to be stewed for a long time. Can your space hold it?"

"Of course." Bei Nuan put the pot and the cassette stove into her space. "I'll watch the fire for you."

A pot of delicious food was slowly stewing in the lower level of the space, and everyone got in the car and continued on their way.

It was already very late after all the commotion.

Du Ruo waited for his delicious food, but after a while, he couldn't hold on any longer and asked Bei Nuan for a blanket.

Before closing his eyes, he wrapped himself in the blanket in a daze and didn't forget to tell Bei Nuan, "Wake me up when the Yan Du Xian is ready."

Bei Nuan sadly thought: This is his last word, right? It sounded too much like a last word.

If one day she could really get out of this book safely, when she got old, surrounded by children and grandchildren, she would stew a pot of Yan Du Xian for them and tell them: Grandma once had a friend whose last words were - "Wake me up when the Yan Du Xian is ready."

Du Ruo's last words were truly in his style.

The night deepened, and Jiang Fei also fell asleep in the back seat.

Lu Xingchi drove very fast, frowning, with no intention of stopping to rest.

He suddenly whispered, "Where will Huo Ren go?"

Bei Nuan realized that he was thinking about the same thing she was.

Back at the farmhouse restaurant, the owner mentioned the zombie virus suppressant. If Huo Ren was the one who killed and silenced the others, then Huo Ren must be related to the zombie virus suppressant.

Bei Nuan looked back at the sleeping Du Ruo.

If there really was such a thing as a virus suppressant in the world, there might still be a glimmer of hope.

The problem now was that they had no idea where Huo Ren went after leaving the Ninth Prison Shelter.

No clue at all.

Further west from here was S City. According to the plot of the book, they would go to S City next to help Jiang Fei find someone.

But in this situation, should they really go to S City as originally planned?

Lu Xingchi was also thinking about the same question. After pondering for a while, he suddenly noticed that there was no sound in the car and turned to look at Bei Nuan.

She wasn't asleep, leaning against the seat, frowning at the road ahead, her small face looking worried.

Lu Xingchi didn't know what came over him, but he reached out and held her hand.

Bei Nuan seemed startled and turned her head.

"Don't worry too much. It's no use worrying." Lu Xingchi said.

She let him hold her hand, and after a while, she said, "I wish I hadn't pulled those two people up."

Lu Xingchi glanced at her. "You're overthinking it. If you hadn't pulled them up, someone else would have. You couldn't just leave them hanging there. Du Ruo is kind-hearted. Seeing that the man's legs were weak, he might still have reached out to help him and still gotten injured."

Lu Xingchi felt a little self-reproachful. "It's my fault. I should have thought of having someone check if they were injured immediately."

They both felt it was their fault and stopped talking.

Lu Xingchi looked at Bei Nuan again and found tears in her eyes.

Comforting her was useless, so he might as well tease her.

"Are you really crying?" Lu Xingchi asked. "You've fake cried so many times, but I've never seen you cry for real."

Lu Xingchi still held her hand and leaned sideways towards the passenger seat. "They're all asleep, and driving is too boring. Why don't you cry for me?"

Bei Nuan pursed her lips and tried to pull her hand back.

Lu Xingchi held her hand tightly until there was a curve ahead before letting go.

After being teased by him, Bei Nuan felt a little better.

There was a fork in the road ahead. Continuing west would lead to S City. They could choose not to go to S City and take a road north, or turn south.

"Where should we go?" Bei Nuan heard Lu Xingchi whisper.

Bei Nuan couldn't decide either.

They had no idea where Huo Ren went, and even if they did, they might not be able to find him. Even if they found him, there might not be such a thing as a suppressant.

Jiang Fei, who was sleeping in the back seat, suddenly spoke.

"Go to S City." He said with certainty.

Bei Nuan turned to look at him.

He smiled at Bei Nuan. "I just had a good dream. I dreamt that Du Ruo was safe and sound in S City, eating the Nanru pork I made. My dreams are always accurate. Trust me."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Since they had no clue anyway, it didn't matter which road they took. Lu Xingchi stepped on the gas and drove onto the road to S City.

The Yan Du Xian was finally ready, and Bei Nuan gently called Du Ruo.

Du Ruo's heart was big enough to be a zombie king, sleeping soundly and impossible to wake up.

Bei Nuan had to put the pot into the upper space where time didn't flow, yawned, and fell asleep at some point.

When she woke up again, she was covered with Lu Xingchi's jacket, and there was a hint of dawn in the sky.

Lu Xingchi was still driving. He probably hadn't slept all night, worried that Du Ruo would suddenly mutate.

Du Ruo was sleeping peacefully in the back seat, showing no signs of mutation.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to ask, "Is the Yan Du Xian ready?"

Lu Xingchi glanced at him in the rearview mirror. "With this hanging over him, even if he turns into a zombie, he'll have to wait until after he's finished eating."

Bei Nuan deeply agreed.

Lu Xingchi pulled over and gave everyone a bowl.

The soup was thick and white, with stewed salted pork and pork ribs, and dried bean curd knots soaked in the soup, plump and trembling, paired with the freshly dug fragrant and tender bamboo shoots, it was so delicious it made people want to cry.

A pot of Yan Du Xian disappeared in an instant.

This wasn't enough. Jiang Fei chopped the filling and made two more pots of Sheng Jian Mantou (pan-fried buns).

Jiang Fei also seemed to agree with Lu Xingchi's theory of "using delicious food to keep him alive."

He said to Du Ruo, "Hang in there. If you're not dead by tomorrow, I'll make you my grandmother's best bamboo shoot braised Nanru pork."

Du Ruo readily agreed and threw away all the bowls and chopsticks he had used after eating.

Bei Nuan knew he was afraid that saliva would spread the virus.

Everyone got back on the road and seemed to have reached S City.

Lu Xingchi asked Jiang Fei, "Your cellmate's son is in the university town of S University?"

Jiang Fei nodded. "Yes, his name is Tang Tang, a freshman at S University."

The university town of S City was a newly built area in the past two years. The new campuses of several universities in the city were all built in the suburbs, revitalizing a large area of wasteland.

Because the university town was on the outskirts of S City, some distance from the bustling downtown area, there weren't many zombies on the road, and the drive was smooth all the way.

S University occupied the largest area and was very conspicuous. Lu Xingchi drove to the side gate and cleared the zombies at the gate himself.

Before getting out of the car, Lu Xingchi asked everyone to be fully armed.

Bei Nuan was about to reach out and open the door when Lu Xingchi pulled her back.

"Where are your puncture-resistant gloves?" he asked.

Bei Nuan rummaged through her space for a long time before finding the puncture-resistant gloves and explained sheepishly, "It's not very convenient to do anything with these on."

Lu Xingchi didn't say anything, took the gloves, pulled her hand over, and put them both on for her himself.

Then he said, "Yes, when you become a zombie, you don't need to wear gloves. It's convenient to do anything."

It seemed he really didn't want anyone else to get hurt.

"Where's your helmet?" he asked again.

Bei Nuan obediently took out the motorcycle helmet she hadn't used for a long time and put it on. Only then did Lu Xingchi let her get out of the car.

Du Ruo, as usual, asked Bei Nuan to take out his Minghong Dao.

The knife was too long and inconvenient to carry, so he could only carry it on his shoulder like Inuyasha. If Bei Nuan didn't know that the knife wasn't even sharpened, he would look quite arrogant from afar.

Jiang Fei asked Bei Nuan for two short daggers for cutting things.

Bei Nuan felt a little strange. Shouldn't Jiang Fei be using a half-person-high iron rod in the book?

Swinging the iron rod and knocking down a group of zombies was Jiang Fei's trademark.

Perhaps he hadn't encountered his destined rod yet. Once he found it, he would probably change his weapon.

In any case, the group was properly dressed and sneaked in through the side gate.

"How are we going to find him?" Du Ruo asked.

The campus was a place where people gathered. There were many people, and there were probably many zombies. Looking for someone in such a place, whether the person was a human or a zombie, was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lu Xingchi replied, "We can only see if there are any survivors and ask them about the situation. Shall we go to the dormitory area first?"

Bei Nuan remembered that in the original book, they found Tang Tang in the dormitory, but now the timeline was delayed again, and she didn't know if Tang Tang was still there.

The campus looked very sad.

It was the best time of spring, with pink cherry blossoms blooming on both sides of the tree-lined avenue and a layer of new yellow on the dark tree walls.

The people coming and going were still dressed the same, some even carrying backpacks, but their eyes were dull.

Bei Nuan found that there were times when Lu Xingchi couldn't bear to attack.

After entering the campus, he tried to take everyone through hidden places and didn't disturb the zombies unless absolutely necessary.

She didn't know if it was because the zombies here looked like they were in their prime, and he couldn't bear to attack, or because of Du Ruo's incident, which made him feel a little unbearable towards zombies.

However, as long as a zombie approached the team, Lu Xingchi would attack without hesitation, for fear of anyone else getting hurt.

He was fast, and so was Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei had almost fully recovered. He held a pair of daggers in his hands, moving swiftly and striking as fast as lightning, hitting every time, as if competing with Lu Xingchi.

The group was moving through the campus, heading inwards, when they suddenly heard a sound coming from ahead.

It sounded like someone was singing with a loudspeaker.

It was a boy's voice, quite loud, and very strange in the quiet campus full of zombies.

Zombies were very sensitive to sound. They all stopped, listened carefully, and then ran in one direction.

Bei Nuan and the others looked at each other and quietly followed the direction the zombies were rushing towards.

Through the campus, ahead was the dormitory area. The sound of the loudspeaker was louder, accompanied by the powerful rhythm of the music.

"I will take the best sword, climb the highest mountain—"

Large groups of zombies swarmed in, all gathering under one of the dormitory buildings.

On the roof of the top floor, a boy was holding a loudspeaker and a mobile phone, singing along to the music on the phone to the zombies below.

"Your Majesty, my name is Darabomb Barband Betibdobi Rubon, I repeat, Darabomb Barband Betibdobi Rubon—"

The rooftop was his stage. He sang with great passion, singing and dancing.

It was as if the crowd gathered below wasn't a group of zombies, but enthusiastic fans who had come to listen to his concert.

After he finished singing a song, he bowed deeply to the audience below and suddenly spoke.

"Brothers in Building Eleven, I see you. There are no zombies at the entrance of your building now. Someone is guarding the iron gate at the cafeteria behind. Hurry up and rush over!"

"Girls in Room 303 and 401 of Building Five opposite, don't hide! There's a big hole in the door downstairs. Run now while you can!"

"Students of S University, the zombies are all here now. Go wherever you want to go. See you in the next life!"

He paused and suddenly raised his voice. "Li Yuhan! Run!!"

Bei Nuan knew why he said "see you in the next life."

Because he had attracted all the nearby zombies by himself, countless zombies were now hitting the main door of the dormitory building.

Although the doorway seemed to be blocked by countless things, it didn't look like it could last much longer. Countless zombies were eager to go up and devour their singing idol alive.

The boy put the loudspeaker to his mouth, raised an arm high towards the sky.

"Let me see your hands! One more time!"

"Your Majesty, my name is Dalabengba Bande Beidi Buduobi Luoweng—"

Bei Nuan saw people quietly slipping out of nearby dormitory buildings, taking this opportunity to rush towards the cafeteria behind.

The door, blocked with debris, was finally broken down by the zombies.

The zombies pushed and shoved each other, scrambling to climb over the tables, chairs, benches, and suitcases blocking the door and pouring into the dormitory building.

The boy threw away the loudspeaker, walked to the edge of the roof, looked down at the swarming zombies, then raised his head and looked at the vast blue sky.

Embraced by the blue sky, he spread his arms like a bird.

He was going to jump.

Author's Note:

The lyrics are from ilem's 达拉崩吧 (Dalabengba). Although everyone knows it, I'll still mark it.

Werewolf Game Cast List:

Lu Xingchi: Seer

Bei Nuan: Hidden Wolf

Little Three: Cupid

Zhou Cang: Silenced Elder (Eliminated)

Du Ruo: Seems like a Civilian

Jiang Fei: Guardian


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